When asked why do you want to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge this was Billy's answer. The Vision Quest of it all,
traveling that many miles and seeing sights I may never see again. I
look forward to the spiritual, mental and physical challenge of the
What are your expectations entering a challenge such as the HHMC for the first time? Although
I have been riding well over 37 years, I know this ride will be the
toughest journey I've experienced and I expect to be a better person
because of it. Best advice Simple: "Ride your Ride"!
work a 55 hour or more work week in sales. To leave my work behind for
the better part of a month is tough. To leave my family for a month is
tough. By the Grace of God, I have a supporting
wife and boss and all have allowed me to enter in this Challenge! I plan on a small weight loss program leading up to the challenge and exercising a little more. And of course
I am going to have to make time to ride(practice) this spring/summer. A lot!
I heard about the HHMC when My friend and I were in Daytona
for Bike Week, I believe in 2009, and he wandered off on his own and
ended up meeting the organizers at the Hoka Hey booth set up at Bruce
Rossmeyer's HD. He has not stopped talking about
it since. I'm happy to say both he and I were accepted for the 2020
Challenge! Aside
from my own personal want to do this journey, the charitable side of
the HHMC really appealed to me. I love the fact that this allows me to
raise awareness
and funds for 2 local charities plus helping to support
the Muscogee Nation of Florida!
I have 2 nonprofit organiztions to support: Van Wert County Humane Society Shelter and FOA- Families of
Addicts (Van Wert Chapter). I chose the Humane Society Shelter because I
have always had a love for animals and it sickens me to see how many
are discarded or euthanized because of irresponsible breeding
and ownership. The FOA Families of Addicts was something that I
recently learned about. They are an amazing support and educational
group to help not only folks battling addiction but
also a resource for their families.
Living in a smaller town like I do, you
see both of these organizations as a needed resource for our community
and I want to be able to help out with the attention this Hoka Hey
Challenge will bring!

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