Monday, July 9, 2018

Meet the Rider Bulldog Charlie Gearhiser # 161

  Bulldog first heard about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2009 a buddy called and said He should look into it...well 3 of them signed up but only 2 of them finished. "I have so many thing I like to do but the best is taking my grandsons to my mountain cabin and teach the old ways."
Can't say why I wanted to ride in '10, it just sounded like one hell of a ride.
 My first challenge I took the attitude it was just another ride. I could afford it I'm self employed and June was a slow time for work so I went...I was not ready by any means for what lay ahead of me.. 3 days out I was on my knees in tears telling myself I can't do this...but I'm not a quitter and the least I had to do was get home....I got to Homer.
This challenge is different..I understand more about it and know what I'm in for. The difference is what has happened in my life..I'm struggling with depression and was diagnosed with anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD.. I will probably never know what caused it or how long I've had it. I need to prove to myself that mentally I can do this which goes a long ways on the path to good health.  Part of what makes the ride so intriguing to me is I have no financial supporters so I have to do all the logistics on my own. 
I do have wife, kids, grand kids and friends....although most say I'm nuts, crazy do I really know what I'm

I wish more people, riders or not knew about the Challenge and the good it brings to those that don't have the means to "live" not to mention what the riders themselves do if they are supporting a charity.

  The single most difficult trial I had in 2010 was the first day second day third day.......
 Not having a lot of confidence in myself growing up the Challenge taught me No matter where, when or what kind of situation you find yourself in....relax, breath and think about how you got there and how do I get out...don't panic and trust in yourself.

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