Thursday, April 21, 2016

Meet The Riders: Michael Conner # 67

Michael # 67 of Gilbert, AZ. has ridden 2010, 11, 12, 13 and completed three of the four ridden. When he heard about the first HHMC from friend and fellow rider Mark Hopkins # 59 the thought of doing something like this, something that had never been attempted like this, with liked minded people was epic for Michael.  “Life changing” is how he describes his experience now. From mountain top highs to valley lows, scary but that was awesome kind of moments too with just miles and miles of you and the road. Talking to random strangers in towns you can’t even find on a map. Rural America and then some.

Finding shelter under an awning of a gas station that is closed for the night was one way he was able to get some sleep on a rainy night during one of his many adventures. The most difficult part the first year was the directions, but like the other 400 + riders that year we all had the same challenge. Dropping his bike and wrestling with it for 15 minutes before remembering he knew how to do it but was so worried he was going to be eaten by a bear couldn’t get himself together. The whole reason for the stop to begin with was to put on some warming gear but after doing the smack down with the bike wasn’t cold anymore. “Don’t be over confident but have confidence you can do it.”

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