Sunday, May 19, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1223 Josh Standley

Hi, my name is Josh Standley, I'm 24 years old and this will be my first time riding in the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I am an electricians apprentice by trade, and I am very active in my labor union (L.U. #46). I also am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and served as a missionary on the Navajo reservation for 2 years (from Dec 2018 - Aug 2020). For this reason, I am somewhat familiar with certain native beliefs and customs.

I found out about the HHMC from my dad that had seen a post on Facebook about it. We continued to research this experience and I decided that this would something that I wanted to be apart of. Since I've come back from my mission, I've felt that there was a piece of me that is missing. I've been searching for this piece, and I feel like I will find it on this journey.

As of April 2024, I haven't chosen a non-profit to ride for, but if I do choose to raise money, it will go back to the Navajo people. Where I witnessed many people living in poverty, in ways that I didn't know were possible in the United States of America. I am very grateful for the opportunity I've been given, to ride in this great challenge, and see places in the USA and Canada that I have not seen yet!
Josh Standley #1223 HOKA HEY!

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