Friday, May 17, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1137 Brando Palazzo

So, a little about me. Grew up riding with my Pop at 15, first bike was a 2004 Electra Glide Black.. The passion to ride started there... Over the years my passion has evolved from riding with Clubs to adventure and sightseeing. I heard about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge
from a fellow rider, his detailed explanation of it really intrigued me and from there I ended up here now. In addition to my HD bike, I enjoy riding my 9 foot long K9 chopper and my Ducati. Each has its flavor and personality. I will say that riding different bikes builds up one's riding skills and adaptability.

Why do I want to do this ride...  I am drawn to experiences that are not mainstream and offer an element of risk, adventure and reflection. To have the opportunity to see the U.S. and Canadian rural areas on two wheels is definitely unique. I look forward to the challenges this ride will present and to see how I respond to them. I am sure that upon the conclusion of this ride I will have a different perception of life and what is really important. I think this tends to happen when one flirts with death.

My non profit- I have been involved with Houston Central Young Life for 7 years. I started by volunteering after school with the high school teens and have moved up over the years to the board and now as chairman.  I oversee the fundraising , budget, staff and direct mentorships to the youth. When I was younger I attended Young Life which had an impact on me. Now I aim to pay it forward. I recently held a dinner fundraiser which directly supports the salaries of the full time workers, covers admin costs as well as sends kids to camp. With the help of my Master we raised over 6 figures for our mission.

I hope this gives you a little glimpse of my reasoning for this ride.


               Brando Palazzo
 Be polite to all, but intimate with few...
Thomas Jefferson

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