Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Meet The Returning Rider # 996 Patrick Cornell

 1) I finished 1 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge, this is my 2nd I've signed up for.

2/3) My riding style has changed. Confidence increased and I realized how small this country really is.
4) It is a personal challenge. Everyone has different obstacles and setbacks along the route. Handle them the best you can and stay focused on finishing. If a top 5, 10, 20 finish is in the stars for you, it will be achieved.
5) Fund raising started out with just asking Friends and Family. That also has become easier, i have no problem striking up a conversation with business owners and asking g for support.
6) Riding again? Different obstacles, different roads, different challenges, additional self awareness and riding with Family.
7) Fortunately I didn't personally wreck, however, I was at the scene of 2 wrecks. As mentioned, different setbacks and challenges for each rider.
8) My Family and Friends thought I was a little crazy when I signed up for my first HHMC , but then I finished the Challenge and most were impressed. This time, they all know I am crazy now, but are much more supportive. Especially the Mrs.


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