Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1134 William Miller

 My name is Kenny Miller, I'm 51 years old and I've been riding since I was 8. Started with dirt bikes, ATCs, 4 wheelers and eventually got my first street bike in high school. I first learned about the Hoka Hey in 2010 but due to time and finances, I did not sign up. I have done many bike trips and camping trips over the years and continue to do so. My first 1000 mile day was from east of St. Louis to Sturgis on a KLR650 Dual Sport bike. I didn't even realize I did an Iron Butt until someone pointed out that my start point that morning was over 1000 miles away. No wonder I was so tired, lol! Fast forward to 2013-14 where I got involved in some long distance charity rides. I was hooked! Riding to dinner down the street is now boring to me, riding to dinner in another state, yeah, let's go!


    I decided to apply to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge 2024 for a couple of reasons. I miss the long distance rides of 2013-14, my schedule finally allows me more time and flexibility. Lastly, there was a period of time in 2021 and 2022 where I nearly went blind and couldn't safely ride for over a year and a half. Seven surgeries for detached retinas, cataracts, and correction of one odd shaped eye, multiple procedures in-between, visits to specialists, and lots of pain, I can see! Not perfectly, but close enough to be back on 2 wheels! Riding brings me joy, takes away my stress, and clears my mind.


    I don't really have one charity i concentrate on. I'm in the powersports industry and give what time I can to help charities that help homeless vets and injured motorcyclists. So when people ask why I ride, I tell them this, I ride for the poor and the beaten down, to give them hope. I ride for the prisoners and men who have long paid for crimes. I ride for those who've never read or listened to the words that Jesus said about the road to happiness through love and charity. I ride to remind me of the ones who are held back, for the sick, lonely, and old, for the hundreds fine young men we lose each week and thousands who have died believing luck was on their side. I ride for the things that will never be right, and the things that need changing everywhere you go. Until we make a move to make a few things right and we're able tell the world that everything's okay, and carry off a little darkness on my back, till things are brighter for all. I ride.


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