Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Meet The Rider # 941 Larry Patten

My name is Larry Patten, otherwise known as Not Paco. I was given Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge #941 in 2018 when I rode the Challenge and was able to finish on the 14th day. The driving force that attracted me to the Challenge in 2018 was the opportunity to stretch myself to the extreme. It did not disappoint as I found the ride a very unique mental challenge. I experienced wide mood swings from total discouragement to complete euphoria.


 At the starting line in 2018 I really only knew 1 other rider. Since then, the other
Hoka Hey riders have become family. It is indeed a unique bond that is forged in the common
experience of riding this extreme Challenge. I wear my colors with pride, knowing that in the riding
world they identify you as someone who has stepped up to hardship and persevered to the finish.

I did not ride the 2020 or 2022 Challenges, but enjoyed cheering on the other riders, both new and
returning. I believe that the Hoka Hey Challenge demands that you have focus and determination to
finish, and I had neither of those for those particular years. Now in 2024 I find that I have a burning
desire to challenge myself again.


 Since 2018 I have seen many life changes including retiring in January
of this year. When I heard that this year we would be roughly following the same route as the first
Challenge in 2010, I knew that it was time to push myself to the limits again. I’m looking forward to
sharing my experiences with my grandkids when I return.

This year I am once again raising money for IWarriors Since 2011 this small charity
has provided wounded service members with a personalized iPad package engraved with their name
and unit. It is loaded with apps to help them heal from their wounds and cope with the issues of life
after war. I encourage you to check out their webpage and support them.
I feel truly blessed to be able to ride in the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge this year and hope to be
posting some of my experiences on my Facebook Page

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