Sunday, June 23, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1166 Ren Apolonio

I moved to US from Brazil in 1997. I have been riding motorcycles for almost 30 years.
I have always loved riding and being able to see all this country has to offer.
Besides being a Auto body tech, spending time with my wife and son Maddox and riding  motorcycles are of my favorite ways to spend my time.

I learned about Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2021 on a road trip  back for bike week in Daytona FL. 10K miles in 14 days. I was like how do I sign up? This is my first challenge, I am excited to challenge myself, see some more of the country and raise money for a worthy cause. My wife Shara and my son Maddox will be routing me on at the finish line in Alaska. I am very excited for this new experience !

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