Sunday, June 9, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1053 David Gately

Hello from the shores of Lake Michigan. My name is David Gately and I am a Hoka Hey returning
rider, #1053. The 2022 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge was my rookie challenge and 2024 will be my 2nd Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. That was such an amazing and impactful experience and I have come back from that experience a changed rider. I expect nothing less for the 2024 Challenge!

It’s kind of difficult to put into words all the lessons, but here is some of what I have taken away
from that experience. First & foremost, ride your ride. I see the Hoka Hey Challenge as more of a
personal quest than a group challenge. Sure, we all begin together and travel the same routes, but
we each have our own difficulties and obstacles along the way. Everything from weather and
Mother Nature, to mechanical challenges and physical endurance, and even the spiritual aspect of
the challenge. Each rider lives in their own helmet and navigates thru their own challenges during
the HHMC. And believe me, you will encounter all aspects of both internal and external challenges
during this ride! Overall, I think I handled these challenges well in 2022 and was able to
successfully complete the HHMC and be at the End of the Road party.

The second lesson or take away from my 2022 experience is in preparation. Planning to travel most
of North America and to live off the back of your motorcycle for almost a month requires it’s own list
of necessities. The challenge is to bring what is needed without overpacking. As I’m sure most
riders do, I’ve adjusted my pack from 2022 and will be traveling a bit lighter this time. There will be
some stuff I bring that is unnecessary and too much, just as I am sure that I will forget some things
or simply not know some of what I need. But this is the “unknown” aspect of this adventure. And
believe me, the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is absolutely an Adventure! In the most wonderful
sense of the word!

And my third important lesson or take away from the 2022 challenge, is to set my intention for the
day but to go with the flow more. Less stress and more flow. With diligent effort, and abundant
blessings, I know I will make the finish line. How I get there, and my mental/emotional state that I
arrive in are up to me. So, for this year’s challenge, I intend to embrace more of the Spirit of the
Challenge and allow both Spirit and the Challenge to take me on the ride. I know I will return a
changed man, and better rider, and with a greater appreciation for spirit and for the amazing,
beautiful land we live in.
Hope to see you all in Homer at the party!
David Gately
Rider #1053

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