Sunday, May 8, 2022

Meet The Returning Rider # 939 Robert Goffinski


The 2020 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge proved to be more than I bargained for, although I was burning up the pavement, with the inspired help of some of the leaders that year, it all caught up to me in the final days. It was a lesson I hopefully learned and will correct as, yes again for the third time, I challenge my abilities, both physical and mental, and accept the challenge. I consider myself a lifelong learner. The Hoka-Hey teaches you a lot about yourself and tests what you have learned from the past. Then It asks you to prove it!

The statement that the “HHMC will change your life” has proven to be true for me. My life is still focused on my family and the obligations they impose on me; however the lure of the open roads and the opportunities of gathering with my Hoka-Hey Brothers and Sisters is a strong influence tugging at my heart daily. I look to any reason to hit the road, either with my most accommodating and understanding wife, Maggie, or solo.

I will turn 75 years old come December and have been riding for more than 50 of those years. I do not know how many years I have left to ride, on two wheels at least, maybe a few more on three, but motorcycles are such a huge part of my life I do not know how to live without them. During the 2018 and 2020 HHMC I was fortunate enough to be considered an “Elite Finisher” and awarded a prized belt buckle in addition to being the oldest finisher in the top twenty riders both years.

I welcome the new riders to the Challenge and look forward to reuniting with my family of the returning riders.


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