Sunday, June 5, 2022

Meet The Returning Rider # 1002 Don Chaffer


This is my second Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I still haven’t accomplished my goal, to bring my 1948 panhead “Christine” and my tired old ass across the finish line.While I’ve not significantly changed my riding style for 2022, I’m definitely more prepared for this year’s challenge.  For the 2020 challenge we made it ~ 5000 miles in 6 days before we were tripped up by the loss of my charging system. Parts became a limiting problem that we have remedied for this year’s challenge.  HHMC has given us permission to have a parts truck available at check points and I’m confident that will be all the change we need this year.

I think anyone who comes into HHMC thinking he/she is a badass is in for a rude awakening.  I was confident in 2020.  I’m more confident about my ability for us to finish in 2022.  But, I’m without a doubt far more humbled looking ahead to the challenge this year. The theme for the 2022 challenge is “KIKSUYA”…remember.  I embrace this theme with my whole heart.  I’m more likely to tackle this year’s challenge because I remain motivated by my remembrance of Jim Red Cloud and the spirit that generated HHMC.  I remain motivated by the remembrance of the Original Wild Ones who created the spirit in my own club.  I’m undoubtedly motivated by the remembrance of how sore your ass can get riding 20 hours a day on a 1948 rigid frame Harley Davidson.

I think the warrior spirit in Hoka Hey is what inspires us to adapt, overcome, ignore personal suffering, and to punch through toward our goal.  But, we should not forget what we’re fighting for.  The experience is an end in itself. That is what I would pass on to a new rider about your experience with the Challenge and advice that would help them.  To see America in such an intimate way, to be reminded of the living presence of our First Nations, and to witness the cool/funny/scary serendipitous moments that will undoubtedly come are all so very important to the spirit of your challenge.

Fund raising was not hard.  But, I’m definitely looking forward to even greater success this year. I’m much more prepared to seek the help of many more people in 2022 while I, quite literally, ride my ass off.  I’m not sure I could list all of the reasons why I want to ride again this year.  But, three reasons come immediately to mind.  First, while I cherish HHMC 2020, my challenge is not finished. I will cross that finish line together with my beloved ol’ pan.  Second, HHMC is a living community, not just a ride every other year.  I have enjoyed being a part of this community and loved seeing everyone at the 2021 Rendezvous. Finally, this is fun beyond measure.  HHMC is like a treasure hunt in a sausage grinder.

No wrecks for me in 2020.  A few near misses was enough for me.  But, hey! Risk is part of this lifestyle.

This is a coin with two sides.  I’m used to people thinking I’m bat-shit crazy on some levels.  But, my family gets that.  My family, my extended family, and my club family have all been so supportive on every level.  It impressed me in 2020 how so many people became invested and intimately involved in what we were all trying to accomplish.  I ride my ol’ pan “Christine” all over the country and I’m always strengthened when people recognize that beautiful ol’ bike and connect to what we’re trying to do together.


Donation Website:

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