Monday, June 17, 2024

Meet The New Rider #1210 Eugene Simionescu

My name is Eugene but my friends and family call me Dingo. I’m a retired bomb technician (EOD) and Army combat veteran. I’m currently attending barber college in Michigan and expect to graduate with my Michigan Barber License around March of 2024. And best of all, I just married my best friend and love, Shel of Michigan Biker Law. She is an advocate for motorcycle accident victims and promotes riding/driving safety. 

I want to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge 2024 for a couple reasons.
1. I want to continue to show my sons that we need to challenge ourselves continuously throughout our lives. Set goals, prepare, train, and achieve. Then success will more likely become routine.
2. After retiring October of 2023 from EOD, I feel I need the Hoka Hey for my spirit to feel like I can still accomplish what most humans consider impossible.
3. I want to raise funds for Foundation 14, being committed to Veterans riding or riding again.
4. I just wanna ride…

Foundation 14 is my nonprofit that inspires and motivates me to KEEP MOV’N. After coming home from Iraq I struggled for years trying to find myself and the peace I had within, before the war. Foundation 14 has connected me with a like minded community that has become family. And I now do more than just ride… I have a mutually beneficial relationship with my motorcycle.
Funds raised for Foundation 14 are used to buy a Harley Davidson for a troubled combat veteran who is a good fit for riding a motorcycle. We (the Foundation) make that combat veteran a deal in a way… they get a free Harley, but they get to ride with us as we search for the next veteran and raise funds. Sometimes the combat veteran comes back an amputee, being wounded in combat.  Leaving them believing they will never ride again, the Foundation will modify a combat veterans motorcycle to accommodate the disability.
Long story short, it’s not the bike they need, it’s the community of Foundation 14, and those we meet and ride with.

Learn more about F14 and make a donation here.
Tell ‘em Dingo sent ya!

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