Friday, July 5, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1216 Kevin Ralph

I was born in Los Angeles in January 1965. My parents divorced when I was five and I spent the
remainder of my formative years in a single parent home. At times, my mother worked as many as
three jobs to make sure my brother and I had what we needed. Welfare was not an option. At 16, I
went to work for a national grocery chain. At 18, I was the liquor department manager. At 23, I was
assistant store manager in one of the first multi-use stores (grocery, banking, pharmacy). Along the
way I paid my way through the University of Southern California where I majored in
English/American Literature. For the past 29 years, I’ve been in Human Resources; the last 18 years
as Chief Human Resources Officer for a variety of companies. I’ve been partnered with Pamela for
30 years and married to her for 23 years. We have three grown children.

The idea for riding the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge came from a guy I met on a fishing trip to Montana. Before meeting Brando Palazzo I had not heard of the event. It sounded interesting and like the kind of challenge that with fully grown children I was ready to undertake. I said, yes. And as a man of my word, in saying, “yes” I committed. The Hoka Hey presents a personal challenge, a test of endurance and
fortitude. I’ve been tested in many ways in my life, but I have not had to face arduous physical
challenge in many years, and nothing like the Hoka Hey presents. Add to that the opportunity to see
the country and to form new community with persons from many disparate walks of life and it’s
almost a no brainer.

My charity is Prison Fellowship Angel Tree offering the opportunity to make a difference in the life of
a prisoner’s child. “For prisoners' children, camp is a refuge. It's a safe place to get away from their
problems, experience the great outdoors, make new friends, and just... be kids! but most
important, at an Angel Tree camp, prisoners' kids hear the Gospel and many receive Jesus as Savior
and Lord.” A camp experience can change a child’s life forever. Angel Tree camping is a chance for
children of incarcerated parents to get away from their daily challenges and have fun in the great
outdoors, making new friends and meeting caring adult counselors. I spent 25 years with Boy
Scouts of America (as a scout and a leader) and can attest to the power of even a single week away
from city life, exploring and learning about nature and perhaps oneself. It is especially true for
children whose parents are not only incarcerated but who also suffer the stigma of having a parent
behind bars. – Kevin A. Ralph June 18, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1192 Chris Lumaghini

My Name is Chris Lumaghini, friends call me Luma, one of my least favorite things is talking about
myself but here is my story of how I got here.

I’m 42, Grew up in Quincy MA but I moved to Mississippi 20 years ago. I am very blessed to have an
amazing wife, Erica. We have been married 14 years and have four children Lily, Ava, Hallie & Lionel.
I started riding later in life, I grew up around motorcycles and would ride with my father as a kid but
never felt the urge to learn. It wasn’t until I started to become friends with the great guy named Joe
Lacey #802, He was president of a local group the Spirit Riders and I would frequently hang out with
them but unfortunately our friendship was cut short due to cancer. He is who told me about the
Hoka Hey Challenge, this was very intriguing to me, but I didn’t ride so I just followed along as a


 Then in 2018, one of my last conversations with my father, I told him we needed to sell
his bike, but he didn’t like that idea, He said no I’m going send it to you, I want you to ride learn to
ride, you will love it he told me. Although hesitant I did agree to give it a shot. Unfortunately, about a
week later he passed away from cancer also. This man was my best friend, my hero & mentor so the
last thing I wanted to do was not to keep my promise. I started riding shortly after and sure enough
he was correct, I was instantly hooked, it quickly became my biggest passion outside of my family.
I was just your typical rider and loved to travel but late one night heading back to Mississippi from
Daytona I stopped at Buc-ees in Loxley AL to get fuel and this guy pulled up a few pumps over with
his wife and we started to talk.


 This man would literally change my thought process of how I ride with one sentence. I was in awe he was riding across the country, he started in San Diego the day before and was finishing in Jacksonville FL that night. Although I thought he may had been a little crazy at the time, but before he had me sign his book, he told me “There is nothing like watching a sunrise on one side of the country and seeing the sunset of the other side the following day”, Those words would change my entire riding style. I never thought I would see that man again after we said our goodbyes. I did get very serious about my craft & the new goals I wanted to achieve after this encounter.


 Fast forward a few years, I felt it was time I apply for The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge
and I was accepted #1192. I went to the rendezvous in Eagles Nest NM. This is when it all came full
circle, The man that put this idea of LDR riding into my head pulls in, we quickly started cutting up
after finally remembering how we knew each other. This is none other than Bradley Thomas #1122,
also a rookie. I believe it was fate that god placed him in my life that night and then brought him
back to ride one of the most challenging adventures I have ever attempted.

I have been riding for 6 years now, made some amazing friends along the way and have logged
some serious miles while seeing more of the country than most will see in a lifetime. I feel I am well
prepared for the challenge with only minor concerns, being away from my family is probably going
to be the hardest part, staying under 100 especially on long lonely roads and then possibly the
directions. My plan is to just focus on my next turn and not to over think everything.

The charity I have chosen is Mile Monsters Inc. After riding in the Monster 100 last year, I began to
get more involved with them. They are an amazing organization, full of amazing people and riders.
Mile Monsters is helping make life better for children with DMD which is short for Duchenne’s
muscular dystrophy. Monsters (Us) ride for Heros (Kids) who are afflicted with DMD, this is a rare
aggressive form of Muscular Dystrophy that impacts boys. DMD will cause most of these boys to
lose their ability to walk at an early age robbing them of having the childhood experience that most
of us had and is still 100% fatal. Check us out at

Meet One of The Original Riders # 190 Chris Drake

I am  CRISMAN  rider 190  My wife Sue first showed me the call for Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge back in 2009  She told me that I Should do it? REALLY ?  That's when it started for me.  I have ridden  in every challenge since. Finishing all but 1. In 2016 I think it was that I skipped the last leg from R.I. to NY.  Do regret that, But have enjoyed  all the rides.

 All the new friends that have been made along the way, People
that I would have never met without the Hoka Hey Family.

Great Friends that have passed,   Lumpy  Never forget you Brother.

Hope to meet many new friends on this ride.  As I am generally of few words
Some have thought that I dislike them  as I speak few words but a nod or hey
can mean a lot from me.  Most everyone knows my wife Sue more so than me
as she is on social media chatting and sharing pictures with everyone.
 I'm not much into social media stuff,   contact Sue to contact me.

Sue has worked very hard to help with fundraising for Hoka Hey
I have supported the charity of the Hoka Hey every run. I am not much of a
fundraiser so I donate what Sue and I can to support the designated Charity
for the ride.
  Ride Your Own Ride.
  Ride Within Your Abilities.
  Ride Safe.
  Arrive Alive.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1146 Kerri Robinson

Hi Yall! My name is Kerri (Gritty Belle) Robinson Rider #1146
My husband, Brian, and I have 4 children, Robbie, Chase, Georgia and Ashley and were blessed
with 2 granddaughters, Madeline and Oaklynn, and 2 grandsons, Walker and Wyatt. I have two big
passions, one obviously is riding my motorcycles every chance I can get away, the other has been
teaching piano lessons for the past 30 years. In 2020 I started a new venture and opened a
boutique in downtown Terrell, Tx, and knew immediately the name of the store and styles had to
include my road name, so I opened Gritty Belle Boutique.

My husband bought a bike in 2017 and I happily rode on the back with him for about 2 months
before I quickly realized I needed to be in the breeze more than he was willing to go. A few trips to
different dealerships and I had to make that call…. “Babe, I need a favor, I bought a sweet little 2012
Patina painted Softail Deluxe, and I need you to ride it home for me!” I had never even started a bike
but had every confidence I was going to nail it in the class I had signed up for the next day! Off to
Utah for some moto camping I went. Shortly after, I knew I wanted to find more like-minded ladies
that shared the same passion for motorcycles as me. With two other ladies, I founded a Litas
branch near me and started riding with the most amazing ladies and ended up a few short years
later finding my long-distance riding tribe!

I first heard about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge from my friend Courtnye Nix. I was in awe of hearing
about her travels and her plans to ride the challenge in 2018. I knew that day I would be sending my
application in as soon as my schedule would allow me to commit. With the travel bug that I’ve had
all my life and the desire to push myself further, I knew it was time for me to take on this challenge
while seeing our beautiful country! In 2020 I met one of my best friends, Twang who had also heard
of the challenge and will be riding this year as well. Unfortunately starting a new business and
adulting trumps… so we happily cheered on our friend Raindrop in 2022 Hoka Hey. We loaded my
truck and headed to South Dakota to pick her up at the end of the challenge. Meeting and seeing
the bond and supportive family atmosphere that the Hoka Hey family has, talking to many of you,
attending the Taco Run and Rendezvous, I knew this is where I needed to be! As a Rookie y’all have
all made me feel so included and welcome! I have some big shoes to fill! I am completely honored
and humbled to be riding in Hoka Hey 2022!

I am honored to be riding for Mile Monsters Inc. in Hoka Hey 2024. Mile Monsters is Non Profit
501c3 that ride and raise awareness and money for children that have DMD Duchenne Muscular

Meet The New Rider # 1238 Bob Snowe

 My name is Bob Snowe and I am rider #1238. I grew up in rural Maine and have been an avid
motorcycle rider from early on. I started on dirt bikes, cutting trails and weaving through tall trees in
every wooded area I could find close to my house. If we weren’t riding, my friends and I would have
been on the lake in anything we could make float.

After high school, I graduated with an engineering degree from the University of Maine. My plan was
to follow in the family business in my small hometown… until a college buddy introduced me to Ft.
Lauderdale, FL. It didn’t take long for me to realize the bright lights and big city life of south Florida
would allow opportunities that I would never be afforded if I stayed in Maine.


I ended up settling in Fort Pierce, FL and started my own precast concrete business which I owned
and operated for 37 years. Although running a business takes most of your time and energy, I was
always able to find solace in the outdoors. The dirt bikes turned into Harleys for the long rides and
the Jon boats turned into ocean worthy vessels looking for the bigger fish to fry!

The minute I learned of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge from friends years ago, I knew I wanted to
participate. I started attending rider events, riding to Oklahoma for the Taco Run a couple of times
and being at the finish line in Pensacola in 2022 to meet and greet the riders. I’ve met the nicest
people and the energy from the group is like no other. I know this is not like any other journey I have
been on in my life, but I am ready to ride to see what challenges I face, and how I adapt to overcome


I am riding for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This a charity both my grandmother and
mother supported throughout their lives and it means a lot to me to do my part.
Bob Snowe

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1220 Jason Setzer

My name is Jason "Ice-Man" Setzer  and I got my first motorcycle when I was 4 years old and before I knew what freedom meant, that's what I felt when riding. I've owned a motorcycle for all but 5 years since then and in that 5 years I was hyper focused on building my drafting business River City Design.

Riding in the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge 2024 aligns with the place I am at in my life, it's a new chapter of unknown, something I haven't done before and I believe I am in a place to start building a new "foundation" for the next chapter of my life. Since I've first heard of the HHMC from Hopper, Twister, and Riot, I have met many more riders that participate in it, all of which I think are great people and I look forward to meeting more this year. 

The non-profit I am riding for is Mile Monsters Inc.. I had a very unique opportunity to experience first hand what the organization is all about, no corporate red-tape, no BS, just helping kids with DMD live their best life, and raise awareness about the horrible and rare disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. My road name "Ice-Man" was given to me by an 8 year old, Gaven "The Goat", while taking him to every Harley Dealership in Texas.

I have seen with my own eyes what my efforts, donations, and contributions have done for these boys in the very short time I have been in the organization and look forward to contributing to the best of my ability moving forward.

For my fundraising efforts I have volunteered to get a first ever tattoo drawn by Gaven, the Goat, once donations reach $5k and once they hit $10k I have agreed to be tased by one of our heroes.

You can find out more about my story and donate at: Iceman Rides 



Meet The New Rider # 1203 Daniel Bell

Hello, my name is Daniel Bell, rider #1203. Aledo, Texas is my hometown where I was raised with a love for the great outdoors. As an Eagle Scout, I honed my outdoor skills during my time in Boy Scouts, embarking on numerous backpacking and camping trips. These experiences instilled in me a deep appreciation for nature and a desire to explore the country. Even now, at the age of 32, I continue to incorporate scenic hikes into my long-distance motorcycle journeys.

Riding motorcycles has been a lifelong passion of mine, beginning from the moment I was old enough to drive. As a career firefighter, motorcycles have served as a therapeutic outlet, allowing me to clear my mind and find solace in the open road. Long distance trips provide me with the opportunity to reflect on life decisions and find inner peace amidst the fast pace of everyday life.

In 2018, I met my wife, who introduced me to the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. Despite my initial doubts, my love for long-distance riding and camping ultimately led me to pursue this challenge. Having ridden to Alaska twice and with a desire to tackle the original Florida to Alaska route, the Hoka Hey Challenge felt like the perfect culmination of my journey.

For this endeavor, I have chosen to support 2 The Next Shift Organization, a non-profit dedicated to providing resources and support for first responders' mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. By raising funds for this organization, I hope to raise awareness of the importance of mental health within the first responder community, a cause that is close to my heart as a firefighter who has experienced the benefits of long-distance riding on my own mental well-being.

- Dirty Dan

Monday, July 1, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1227 Lee Wisniewski

New rider Lee Wisniewski  1227. When I was 18 I rode my 650 Yamaha from Detroit to San Francisco. Down the coast to LA and back home. Riding solo it was quite the adventure. I did a fly and ride to Frankfurt Germany. Rode Swiss Alps. The Newshwanstein castle was the most ornate place I've seen to date. Castle is in background.



  I heard about Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge from a rider doing the 3rd challenge.  I just never owned a bike capable of running the challenge.  I have a turbo charged dyna and a vrod . I have always been in the wind. Never riding behind a windshield.  So I found a deal on an Electra glide in Manhattan.  As soon as I made the purchase I have been looking forward to partaking in the challenge. 


 I like running at the drag strip. Dabbled with road racing and motocross. The tail of the dragon is my favorite ride. Motorcycling is in my blood and it's a family. Looking forward to meeting riders and hearing riding stories. I am going into this without expectations. Just looking forward to some beautiful scenery and memories to last a lifetime. 

Meet The Rider# 1080 Robb Lunn

 I grew up in Minnesota and started riding when I was 15. My first motorcycle was a Yamaha Twin 100 that I bought from a friend without my parent’s knowledge. I didn’t even know how to shift gears but learned pretty quickly before I drove through a red light. I rode Hondas for many years after that taking trips with friends all over Minnesota. My last Honda was a 1977 CB 750 four which I kept on the road until 2006. It was a workhorse for me. After moving to Vermont in the early 80s’ I rode those winding mountain roads of New England for thousands of miles.


In 2013 I bought my first Harley, a Road King, and joined the local HOG Chapter riding all over New England. In 2015 I bought my first CVO. My CVO whom I called Red, took me all over New England and the east coast. After raising a family and putting my kids through college I started to plan what I wanted to do with my life to go somewhere where could ride more than in the short riding season in Vermont. I now live (I should say I am retired) in Santa Fe, New Mexico where I can ride year-round and still ski in the winter. (I am a National Ski Patroller) I now own a 2020 CVO and I’ve ridden all over New Mexico, made multiple trips to Arizona, Colorado, and Utah, been to Sturgis, and to Texas which included a HOG Posse ride from El Paso to the Canadian border in Montana this past summer along to other points in the South-West.


I have a longtime Harley friend who has ridden the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge twice. We’ve logged many miles together including a 24-hour 1000-mile loop of New Mexico and a mini-Hoka Hey of 475 miles set up through our local dealership. It was because of this friendship I learned about the Hoka Hey and she encouraged to take on the Challenge. I attended the Rendezvous in Sequin Texas in May of 2021 and met and rode miles with many great new friends I met. I am looking forward to the 2022 challenge, seeing new sights and meeting more Hoka Hey family