Thursday, June 20, 2024

Meet The Rider # 836 Jim Fish

 I always look forward to the next Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. There is no other ride that even compares. For the first time riders you will either hate the navigational challenges, sleep deprivation, gas
station food, bad weather, bike breakdowns in the middle of nowhere or you will become addicted
to the technically difficult roads, the best scenery in the country, solitude and the pride that you
had the self-determination to finish the Challenge. This is not a race against other riders but an
individual soul search to accomplish more than you knew you were capable of.

On my first challenge I was truly blessed to have experienced riders Bill, Wendy and Jim take me
under their wings to teach me how to navigate, where to sleep, staying hydrated, etc. Their lessons
were invaluable.

Since then, I have learned I need to ride solo as it was very difficult to match sleeping schedules
with anyone else for days in a row. After 4-5 days sleeping only 2 hours was not enough and I
needed to add another hour in the afternoon to get through the evening hours. Everyone is different
and you will find what works best for you.

I must thank Beth and all the Challenge organizers for continuing what is now a tradition. Everyone
should show their appreciation to this group of dedicated individuals as they continue to create the
best riding experience possible.
Jim Fish

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