Friday, June 21, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1177 Robert McCraight

Greetings everyone! My name is Robert "Bobby" McCraight and I am rider #1177.  I was born and raised just outside Detroit Mi. and I've been here my entire life. From the minute I first threw my leg over a friend's YZ 60 back in the day, I knew riding on two was for me. Like most here, I started on dirt bikes, then to sport bikes and then grew up and slowed down on a cruiser. There's something about that wind therapy that just puts everything in the mirror....obviously y'all get it.


  I've been married to my wife Kendra for 11 years now. Yes, she rides too. She hasn't been on the back of mine since we picked up her '72 and got her riding a few years back. We have 2 kids 27 and 30, with 4 grandbabies...#5 will be due right around the time I am rolling into Homer! Life hasn't been with out struggles but I have to say I am blessed more than I deserve. 

  The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge has been on my radar for a few years, but life always found a way to say "not this year". But I saw my opportunity in 2024 and jumped on it! All in! I can't wait to meet the HH fam in Florida in a couple months. From what I've seen already, you seem like a pretty incredible bunch. 

  My charity I will be riding for is called, Foundation 14. "F14' is a non-profit that I helped build that is dedicated to keeping our veterans riding. Our tasks range from repairs a veteran may not be able afford to make due to some financial hardships, all the way to a complete rebuild to accommodate a prosthetic. In just 8 years, we've been able to help 28 combat veterans get their knees in the breeze! We partner with the veteran,  customize the bike to fit their taste as well as make any modifications neccessary to suit any physical disability. We don't just give them a bike and go on our way, we make sure our warfighters stay engaged and help to pay it forward to the next veteran. The therapy isn't the bike, it's the family and support system that comes with F14 that is the real medicine.  A healthy alternative. To become part of a cohesive unit working together to heal mind, body and soul. Our govt. does an incredible job preparing our soldiers for combat, but we are sorely lacking on training to help them return home.
 Please check out our social media to get a better feel for our mission and our work.
  See you all in a coupe months!

 Bobby #1177

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