Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Meet The rider # 1002 Hyde Chaffer

 My name is Sheldon “Hyde” Chaffer. I’m participating in my 3rd Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge from
Central Texas. My motorcycle infection developed with my first motorcycle, a broken barn-find 1963
Suzuki 50 cc that I rebuilt when I was 11 years old. I’ve never been able to cure the motorcycle itch that
developed from that experience, a mechanical challenge that foreshadows my rider personality to this
day. My wife of 38 years, my daughters and my grandchildren have all tolerated my motorcycle
endurances for decades. They are all much loved for their patience and tolerance.

I think I could list a thousand reasons why I value the HHMC and this entire Hoka Hey family so much.
The personal challenge of participating, persevering, and finishing a HHMC has been one of the great
experiences of my life. HHMC gathers a community of men and women who’ve overcome obstacles
that mirror the day-to-day road blocks we’ve all faced, “am I prepared for what is in front of me?, am I
good enough?, am I real or am I a poser?, have I ever been this tired?, have I ever been this dirty?, have I
ever been this stinky?, was I really born with an inborn sense of direction like I’ve told my wife for the
past 38 years?, is it really a good day to die because today I’m thinking it’s a real possibility?!”. Life
challenges and overcoming of obstacles are nourishment for the warrior’s soul. HHMC is an endless
banquet of obstacles and overcoming. This is my 3rd attempt to get my 1948 Harley Davidson Panhead
across the HHMC finish line. In 2020 we made it half-way before mechanical troubles got the best of us.
In 2022, we suffered a demoralizing engine failure less than 300 miles into the challenge. Fortunately,
my early exit allowed me the opportunity to finish the challenge on a different motorcycle. For 2024,
we could not be more ready to go! I beg you, pray for our success. Success this year depends on me
AND that old pan crossing the finish line TOGETHER. Join me in calling on the warriors who’ve gone
before us. We are fellow warriors, loaned to each other in this sacred space, riding in a spirit beyond
fear seeking balance in overcoming. Join us in praying for a safe journey for all of the riders who risk
HHMC in the spirit intended, “Hoka Hey!!”

I remain a Mile Monsters Inc. rider as my chosen charity. We Monsters have all developed some very strong bonds with our Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Heroes over the past several years. 100% of
Hyde’s Ride in HHMC 2024 has been underwritten for all of the expenses needed to get us across the
finish line. This means that 100% of the funds that you donate to Hyde’s Ride will go to Mile Monsters,
benefiting DMD Heroes who overcome obstacles every hour of every day, humbling the warrior spirit to
which we aspire every mile of every day.

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