Sunday, May 1, 2016

Meet the Rider: Dave Lutes # 91

Dave #91 has ridden in all of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge events and after learning we were heading to Alaska and had been there in 2006, thought it was a good excuse to go back.  Some of the toughest things he had to face during the first event was a lack of sleep and not “really knowing what he was doing.” He felt like he was in a daze most of that year.  Over the years he has learned how to deal with these things and likes to sleep next to heat ex-changers from outside refrigeration systems to keep warm on those cold rainy nights he has experienced in the past. Loving the rural roads and long distance riding has been good but says it really “messed up his desire to do poker runs. If you don’t do a couple hundred miles you haven’t ridden.” He loves to leave flyers on motorcycles he sees in parking lots and sharing his love for the HHMC.

Because Dave is retired he doesn’t have to worry about time restraints and says one thing he likes about the HHMC is you can be a lone rider or a groupie or both in the same event. He was looking for like minded rider before he ever heard of the HHMC and is glad he signed up.  His advice for a new rider is to try and latch on to a former rider and glean what you can from them. Knowing from previous years that gender has not been a factor  he said he knew if “Jane and Shatzi didn’t ride he was going to finish two spots higher.”

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