
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1027 Cheyenne Beatty

My name is Cheyenne Beatty, Hoka Hey rider 1027, from Owenton, Ky. I’m 56 years old. I have been
married for 23 years. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. I’ve been riding motorcycles for over 20
years. I love exploring God’s creation any way I can but, especially while riding long distances on my
bike. I ride 10 to 15,000 miles a year usually incorporating Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. I wish that number
was higher but, I work a lot and enjoy supporting my family in their endeavors. I am Iron Butt
Association member number: IBA72997. I’ve ridden in 43 states and Canada. Other than riding, my
interests are God, family, traveling and any outdoor adventures. While my family and friends are
incredibly supportive, they just don’t understand why I or anybody else would want to sleep outside
next to their bike or ride so many miles a day for consecutive days in all kinds of weather. Most of them
don’t ride either so it is like the adage: “if I have to explain you wouldn’t understand”. I am forever
grateful for their support, even more so because they don’t understand. I try to explain it’s like
Cannonball Run meets Amazing Race. I crave the solitude, freedom, adventure, and comradery. You
could say I have a “Seize the day”, “We’re not getting out of here alive” approach to living life. This fits
perfectly with the Hoka Hey, “It’s a good day to die” moto. I prefer great experiences over great

I first heard about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2009, when I rode from Kentucky to Key West,
FL. I stopped at a Harley Davidson dealership where, I saw a man laying out some Hoka Hey patches on
a vest. I’m always up for a challenge or new adventure especially on my motorcycle. As soon as I got
home, I started researching the Challenge. I even completed an application! Then life happened, and it
just didn’t work out. In 2015, I was able to participate in the Memorial Ride. Getting to meet some of the
riders and organizers was great! More than 100 riders riding as one group over 500 miles from Red
Cloud, NE into the Black Hills of South Dakota!

I was finally able to officially participate for the first time in 2020 and was a finisher in 2022. I have also
attended the Annual Taco Run in Medicine Park, OK 2021, 2022, 2024 and the Hoka Hey Rendezvous in
2021 and 2023. I was blessed to receive the Honor award in 2021. What an incredible experience
topped only by the people involved! It truly is a Hoka Hey family. Supporting each other and meeting to
ride and riding to meet regardless of the distance.
Like most everyone else, the best advice I have received is ride your own ride and hydrate, hydrate,
hydrate. I would also add, take pictures, and enjoy every minute.

My chosen charity this year is the Stop Soldier Suicide which is a 501(c) (3) non-profit charity. The
mission is to reduce military suicide. With your generous support, at-risk veterans and service members
will receive free, trauma-informed mental health and wellness care from their trusted team of clinicians.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation at  Stop Soldier Suicide

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