
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Meet One of the Original Riders # 74 Rodger Annicelli

Ok, I have been riding since the age of 15 & now I'm 50. I bought my first Harley Davidson in 09' for the very first Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I was introduced to the Hoka Hey by our founder Jim RedCloud during bike week of 2009. After listening to Jim talk for a little while I was immediately hooked. It was like the old Cannon Ball movie on Motorcycles.  I couldn't pass it up.


 Well, having such a great family & support group made it possible for me to take the time off of work to make this epic journey & dream possible. Thank you to my wife (Patty) & family ( Alexis & Angelina).


 Also for those who don't know, my daughter Alexis & I changed the rules for Hoka Hey forever. I apologize for that. Not really. We were the only two up in 2016 with a minor. My daughter was only 12 years old at the time. Most people thought it was great & a select few though it was borderline child abuse. LMAO 🤣

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