
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1156 Craig Tooley

 I'm 52 years old, U.S. Navy veteran, submarines, with several years and miles of riding experience.  One of my earliest memories was riding on the back of a motorcycle with my Mom as she dropped me off to be babysat by my Grandparents...I've had the riding bug ever since.  I've been riding off and on since 2009, got my first bike while attending MMI in Arizona.  She was a 2009 Nightster, black and orange, named her Milla after Milla Jovovich.....I digress.  Cut my teeth riding in the Phoenix area and hot sun, put at least 35K miles on her before having to let her go....poor financial decision.  Rode pretty much everything Harley has made since then as a Harley-Davidson technician.  Did that from 2012 to 2015 at two different dealerships. I now have a different career that helps me keep riding my 2020 Road King Special named Rogue after one of my favorite X-Men characters. When I'm not riding or working you can find me spending time with my doggo Maverick on different adventures.



     The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge first popped up on my radar several years ago when my Mom brought it to my attention.  She really wanted to participate in it and told me all she knew about it.  I then looked into it and also got to meet a couple of different riders that had come through Carson City dealership, now better known as Battle Born Harley-Davidson. I don't remember their names, unfortunately, but they helped stoke my interest.  Then my Mom rode in 2020, she stopped by to see me on her way east......ask for the story when you see me. Hahaha  She had to drop out unfortunately, we "rescued" her in Arkansas.  Then my sister decided to accompany my Mom in 2022, unfortunately they both dropped out.  So now I too want to ride in this challenge, I've secretly always wanted to since my Mom first told me about it.  This will be a great challenge for the 3 of us and each of us individually. Oh yeah, you might know them, Gypsy #985 and Tooley #1066.   The fact that this brings awareness and helps out so many is icing on the cake. I truly want to do this to test my mettle and see if I can rise to the challenge that so many before have done. "Do, or do not, there is no try."

     The non-profit I will be riding for is Mile Monsters Inc.!  Helping boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy live their best life.  Also to bring awareness to this disease to hopefully garner attention to someday discover a cure!  I'm humbled to be a part of this team that does so much for these boys and their families.

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