
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1221 Scott Hudy

Rider # 1221 out of Kimball, Michigan.
Husband/father of Three. . I live my life by a few simple values: Fairness, Respect, Integrity. “Old school “some might say!

This will be my first Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. None of which would have been possible if it weren’t for a good friend Tom Snowden , so thank you Sir. The most difficult for me is trying to put into words the why, why take on this Challenge? We all have our reasons but my #1 reason is because I believe in the cause. I believe we, as men and women owe it to ourselves to challenge ourselves past boundaries we never thought possible. To experience life!! Hoka Hey my fellow Brothers and Sisters. 

Meet The Rider # 908 Detta Dean

As the sun crests the horizon in Key West, the hush of morning is shattered by the roar of many motorcycles beginning an epic journey to Alaska.  The event is the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.  It is a test of skill, endurance, and mental toughness.  One of the riders is a female Harley enthusiast of Native American heritage.  I am that lady.  My name is Detta Dean.  I’m #908.  This is part of my backstory.



It all started with a class on how to ride and fast forward 20 years while ride a group ride to "wounded knee I saw two riders with the Hoka Hey patches. I approached them asking all about what that was and have been stalking riders ever since. 


  My father rode and built award winning show bikes all Harley Davidson motorcycles and my sister works for Harley Davidson so its in my dna.  I used to ride a Dyna, but now have a road glide.  Six years ago I entered the challenge but did not finish.  This time I will cross the finish line.  Partly because of the support from friends like Junie Rose who has been very influential in this undertaking.  

I ride to support the Michael J Fox Foundation and its quest to defeat Parkinson’s Disease.  And also because I seem to be often “chasing rainbows.”


My previous failure still haunts me.  This ride will end in victory for me, my friends, and my support for the MJF foundation.  I ride with the slogan “Live Urgently”, and I certainly will be.  Ride safely and skillfully my friends. ….Dyna Detta.

Meet The Rider # 628 Larry Murray

 It was in a tent in Afghanistan when I first read about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. At first I didn’t understand and thought it was a guided tour through 48 States (2011). Due to shipping issues and a dead battery, I got my new RGU the night before we started in Mesa AZ and put 4 miles on it before parking it back in my garage in GA with 17,200 miles on it 21 days later.


Jim told us at the Rider’s briefing that this ride would change your life. I didn’t know Jim and thought to
myself yeah, whatever, I just want to feel that freedom and wind in my hair! But Jim was right, the ride
did make an impact on my life and took a burden from me that I was carrying that wasn’t mine to carry.
Three days after I got back to GA, I was waking up in the tent in Afghanistan wondering what the hell had
just happened…as my memories of the ride came flooding back to me, I jotted them down to share with
my sons and friends, at the end I ended up putting a book together.

2013, I did the HHMC again. This time with a great friend made during my 2011 ride. Even though I DQ’d myself the second day- missing Needles Highway, my goal was not for high finishing, but rather again to experience the adventure with a like-minded friend on a challenge only this ride provides.


Here I am one last time. I have been blessed to ride in 49 States with Alaska the last on my list. It has
been a struggle to make the decision to do the ride this year. I jealously guard my time off to spend with
my wife, friends and family. This time feels selfish, but I know I would regret it if I didn’t ride, and I try to
live my life with no regrets.


This ride will hopefully benefit the Black Hills National Cemetery with Wreaths Across America. There
are approximately 22,000 grave sites at this cemetery alone. For just $17 one can sponsor a wreath at you can then choose the National Cemetery you would like your
wreath to be placed. I am requesting we focus on the Black Hills Cemetery located in Sturgis, SD. The
code for this on the WAA website is SDBLNS. This year Saturday, December 14th will be the day across the US that wreaths are put out. If you have the time, it is a worthwhile endeavor to pay homage to our

See you in Daytona, the DeadMan rides again!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1066 Andrea Tooley

 Hello my name is Andrea Tooley #1066, most call me Tooley. Born and raised in Oregon I'm 48 years old. I have 2 kids Nick is 22 years old and Adelynn is 10. I have lived on the coast for the last 24 years with Patrick. I grew up as a tomboy getting dirty and always wanting to do what my older brother Craig Tooley #1156 did. 


This will be my second attempt at Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.  I wrecked just south of Hatch, NM (2022) late at night after a rain storm/monsoon blew through and I hit thick mud that had onion bits in it. Wade was done for after doing somersault in the ditch. I truly didn't know what I would get out of riding the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. 


 When I first heard about it was from my mom, Valerie  Stewart #985 had been talking about doing this Challenge for years. She finally rode in Aug 2020, I was so excited for her and couldn't wait to watch her on the tracker and cheer her on. We were on our way to the finish line to see her cross when we got the call that we needed to pick her up in Poughkeepsie, AR. After we loaded her bike on the trailer and she hopped in the truck. I swear the first words out of her mouth were I will be riding in 2022. Just to see the pure joy coming off my mom after wrecking and all beat up. I was like ok, then I'm riding with you or Craig and I will be riding with you. So I couldn't wait to put in that following Feb 2021. 


Again I truly didn't know what to expect, I have told my mom that this has been one of the best experiences I have had. The friends that are more like family that I made. To get to ride on my motorcycle and see this beautiful country. To push myself to the limit but still wake up with a smile on my face ready to go again. 


 All the while riding for a charity that is so near and dear to my heart. Mile Monsters Inc. Riding for these boys who have DMD, a muscle wasting disease has been truly eye opening and warms my soul. What these boys go through on a day to day bases is heart wrenching,  but being just a little part of making them smile is so worth it. Again these boys, their family and the riders I ride along side are my Family!!! Can't wait to see y'all in Daytona.  
Hoka Hey
Tooley #1066

Meet The Rider # 1025 Craig Watters

 I am returning rider Craig Watters #1025 from Chatham, Ontario, Canada. 


This will be my second Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge, my first being in 2022. It’s a privilege to ride among so many great riders and to be part of this Hoka Hey family. I am blessed to have such a supportive group of friends and family in which I am able participate again this year. 

One thing I can attest to after riding in the HHMC is to Ride Your Own Ride! Everyone has different riding abilities and you do not want to be responsible for pushing someone beyond their limits as do you want to be pushed by someone beyond your limits. This ride will test you Mentally, Physically and Emotionally. You will be a different person after this ride.  


Take it all in ….. you will understand the HH Mission when you cross that finish line.
Enrich Empower Unite  
Good Luck Everyone I will see you in Daytona!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1214 Don Jordan

 DJ Jordan (POPA FIX IT)
I received my first motorized 2 wheel machine for Christmas . It was a black cat mini bike I Was 4 by the age of 6 I crashed it when the throttle hung widen open . Dad said I had to fix it myself or not ride so I did. Then came the name little Mr. fix it . By age 10 I received a sponsorship to ride for Yamaha at age 14 I bought a vespa scooter with money I had saved at age 17 I rode my first of many to come LDR to sturgis on a Harley sportster I borrowed from a friend.
My next bike was a Honda Night Hawk for a short time then my first Harley I have 3 now. Have been married to my beautiful amazing wife for 31 years now we have 2 wonderful boys and I have to wonderful girls from my first marriage. My family likes to play and have fun so that means we have a lot of big boy toys lol.I had a construction accident in Aug 2008 I broke my neck and thought I would never ride again but through hard work and perseverance I am better than ever now I work hard and play hard .

I found  out about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge from a Brother from my local hog chapter when I had rode a 1100 mile ride on Saturday and then went on the chapter ride on Sunday the guys found out I had just rode that far and said you need to meet Jessie he is one of those. He was on the Hoka Hey at that time when he returned we became friends and Brothers I have rode many miles with this guy . Jessie & Carol are family now and I have meet many outstanding folks through them letting me tag along and enjoy the ride and made many great friends From all over the world. I am an IBA rider aTOH rider and now I got my chance at the Hoka Hey so I applied and got in for 2024 . This is a dream and I hope to get to ride many more HH’s it is a reflection of recovery & showing others you can do anything if you set your mind to it. The Hoka Hey is a self challenge I know I can ride long distance but this is to prove to myself I can do it to the extreme next level .

I want to thank Mama Beth & Junie Rose for giving me this opportunity

My charity is vets and first responders

I also ride for the fight of DMD and to help kids live their best life through personal donations and support of Mile Monsters this has a special place in my Heart and I want to make others aware of this horrible Disease

SEE YOU IN DAYTONA 8-1-2024 Go Hoka Hey

Meet The Rider # 555 Jimmy Milas

 I have been a Boilermaker for 47 years and finally retired for local #555. I decided to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2016 after meeting Jim Herold and his wife Janet on a ferry to New Foundland. So far I have finished 3 challenges 2016 2018 and 2022. My enthusiasm in 2016 was all about being in the top 20 finishers. I got stuck in a July fourth parade in Maine and had just about given up, with a bald tire and almost out of stamina and all the shops closed for the holiday.  After a few hours sitting on the curb enjoying the parade I realized how close I was to the Canadian border and those shops where open for business. 25 hrs later I crossed the finish line with new brakes, tour pak mount and a new tire. And to my surprise placing # 18. 


2018 my second Hoka Hey, I put in place the four pillars of the Hoka Hey 

1. Compassion for other riders and their well being

2. Respect for the public that I was meeting along the way

3. Integrity to knowingly follow all the rules and laws of the country

4. Realizing what an Honor it was to be able to ride the Hoka Hey for a second time stepping up my game honoring the four pillars of this unique challenge. Placed #40



Missing 2020 because I was to slow to catch a cold (covid)  had to wait for 2022


Again riding with KC Aston # 618 who kept me going in 2016 with his support together we finished in the 80's. And it was the most calming and relaxing ride of my life taking pictures and videos along the way. And still made it to the end of the road party as Elite Finishers.



2024 is here and I'm heading to Key West for the second time and Homer for the third. I've been inspired by the best riders in North America with over 500K miles under their belts and some 600K. These challenges have been the best two week holidays I have ever had. It is my Honor to be able to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge for the fourth time, seeing all the returning riders and meeting the new ones.





Friday, July 19, 2024

Meet One of the Original Riders # 383 Junie Rose

 Yes, that's right, one of the original riders of the 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014(I did in 15) 2016 2018 2020 and now (I am going to complete what I started in 2010 because I didn't make it to Homer ) then in the 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge

Started out as a one and done, winner take all, half a millions dollar prize race! I think we all entertained the idea of what we would do with all that money but after the first gruelling hot day with a rain shower every two hours I knew it wasn't going to be me and decided to just enjoy the ride. And that is what I did. All 11,000 miles from door to door that year. 


Fast forward 14 years and I have seen this country like I never imagined I could, on the back of a Harley Davidson. Meeting people of different cultures and countries. But, as many of you know who have followed all these events, it has not been all sunshine and rainbows! I have broke down on a number of occasions, I have hit two deer, I been lost so much I earned the nick name Wrong way Junie. I've cried many tears of the losses of my fellow riders. Some I knew better then others but all were tragic. 

As the director of rider relations I have the privilege of interviewing the riders before they ride. I love to hear the excitement in them as they try to wrap their minds around exactly what it is they are being asked to do. You know, ride 10,000 miles of a route they have just received, with a tracker verifying the rider stays on route, sleep outdoors next to their motorcycle, without the assistance of electronic devices for navigating and doing it without receiving any moving violations while fund raising for a non-profit organization.  That's ALL! 

I have completed all the challenges I have ridden except the first one and hope to get 2022 done one of these days so I can again say I have ridden them ALL!!!!!


It is an Honor to ride for the Kenaitze Indian Tribe and any donations can be made here!

Meet The New Rider # 1206 Clint Chard

 Hi my name is Clint Chard sixty nine years old. I was a longshoremen for forty six years. Retired three years ago. The feeling of being on the road I find so relaxing just you and your bike.

I have been riding since I was 16. I was introduced to the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge by a friend of mine Carl Harris aka K Solo and Shareef Assadiq aka Reef which I have had the pleasure of riding with them before.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1005 Fred Biglin

 Hello everyone, returning rider #1005 Fred Biglin riding out of middle Tennessee. I have three
children, two daughters and a son and one grandson. Lived in flat straight no fun to ride northwest
Ohio before moving to Tennessee around 6 years ago.


I rode and finished both the 2020 and 2022 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge and I am very much looking forward
to this year’s challenge. I thought that the 2020 challenge was the hardest thing that I had ridden and
then I did the 2022 challenge thinking that I would be better prepared the second time around. I WAS
NOT. So, I think the best advice to any new rider is be as prepared as you can for every weather and
road condition, take one day at a time and don’t get too discouraged WHEN you get lost.


My father had passed from cancer and Cancer Services, a non-profit in Ohio was there to help with
anything that we needed, so I will be riding for them again.
Stay safe and see you all in Homer.
Fred Biglin

Meet One of the Original Riders # 116 Jim Herold

I’m Jim Herold #116 from South Carolina.  I was born and raised in Almost Heaven West Virginia.  At 77 years old, I have lots of miles on a bike.  I’ve ridden in 49 states 3 plus times and all the Canada providence 2 plus times.  I’ve ridden to Alaska 5 times and this will make my 6th time.  To me, one of the prettiest rides is through British Columbia.

I believe Jim Redcloud started these rides to bring the plight of the Native American Indian, especially the Pine Ridge Reservation which is the poorest area in the United States.  I really wish more riders would raise money for them or the local tribe they are working with.

Leading up to the 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge, they will be working with the Kenaitze Indian Tribe to raise money on behalf of their Yaghanen Language and Cultural programs. These programs provide a space where youth come to develop life skills, learn culture, make friends and stay on track academically. This is an education, prevention and early intervention program open to kindergarten through 12th-grade students, offering a wide range of fun and educational activities. Please visit their website  Kenaitze Indian Tribe education/youth-language-and-cultural-programs to learn more. Your generous donation will help us to support these young people and give them a chance to grow and thrive! Please be a warrior in their lives!  Please donate a few dollars to them.  Thanks.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Meet The Rider # 939 Robert Goffinski

 There is no gratitude or achievement in doing things that are easy. JFK said “we choose to do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard.”

 Six years ago others were astonished that at 70 years old I would attempt to do the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I didn’t think much of it and didn’t prepare with a back up team or any assistance from anyone. I kissed my wife goodbye and said I’ll see you in three or four weeks. It’s just a 10,000 mile ride. A piece of cake, they even tell you where to go. A no-brainer. Well, this year the HokaHey revisits the original journey from Key West to Homer, Alaska.


 How could I miss that? I’m 76 1/2 years old now and God has blessed me with decent health and an understanding wife. I also have the good fortune of possessing a new steed to take me on this journey. I hope she’s ready because I am. The famous pizza box and some other alterations will make their debut in Daytona HokaHey 2024. What do you say we “Gopher a ride?”

Meet The Rider # 1116 Dustyn Monismith

I am Dustyn “Rooster” Monismith, rider #1116 from Carlisle, Pennsylvania. I have been riding motorcycles since I bought my first dirt bike at the age of fifteen. When I was twenty one I took my first solo long distance motorcycle trip from Carlisle to New Castle, PA via the PA Turnpike on a 1995
Kawasaki Ninja 500. The one-way mileage was somewhere around only 250 miles, but I think that is where I initially got hooked on riding long distances.

 I originally learned about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge from Steve Davis, a.k.a. “BBK”, rider #954 back in 2018. When he said he was going to ride in 2020, I thought he was crazy. So, there I was glued to the computer, following his tracker and I was hooked ever since. 2021 came around and I signed up to ride for the 2022 Challenge and I was accepted. I was one of only a few riders to finish the challenge on a Harley-Davidson Pan America motorcycle. I got the road name “Rooster” on the 2022 Hoka Hey from a fellow rider because a male pheasant decided to take his own life by flying up from the road in front of me. Unfortunately, there was no avoiding him and I went straight to the carwash to hose the bike and myself off.


What I like the most about this challenge is the people you meet along the way. Some are people just in passing and others are participants in the challenge. My motto is “Ride your own Ride.” For the first 5 days I rode with my buddy Jimmy Hopkins, rider # 984. I knew the evitable would eventually happen. We both had our own agenda. Unfortunately, we had to part ways because I had heat exhaustion and sleep deprivation while traveling through Truth of Consequences, New Mexico. Ironic huh? I believe
everything in life happens for a reason. People are placed in your life to give it meaning!


This year I’m partnering up with my wife and we both are riding for Band of Blue. Band of Blue is committed to supporting families of fallen officers. They provide everlasting support and create a transformative experience that honors their loved one’s service and sacrifice.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meet The Rider # 985 Valerie Stewart

Born and raised in Southern Oregon. I grew up in Gold Hill, Oregon a horse crazy tomboy who also spent untold hours reading books. In the process of growing up, meeting people and new experiences,  there were motorcycles. I got my motorcycle endorsement when I was 18 or 19. I didn't have my own bike but friends and family would let me ride their bikes. Saddly my new found love of motorcycles soon lay dormant while raising a family, working and life in general.


It was a lifetime later, and a second husband who brought motorcycles back into my life. We moved to northern Nevada in the Virginia City Highlands. This opened up a whole different world. I was eventually encouraged to get my own ride so I grabbed that chance and have never wanted to be a passenger again. I have been able to ride and see places and meet people who have truly changed my life for the better.

2024 will my my 3rd Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.  This will be my Lessons Learned and my Unfinished Business  Challenge.  Hoka Hey is addicting and I am grateful for the being able to be part of this amazing group who  have heard the call. I didn't have the honor to meet Jim Red Cloud, but it was finding the Hoka Hey on the internet shortly after the 2010 Challenge that intrigued me to learn more about Hoka Hey. Many thanks for his vision.  Also, grateful that I will be riding with my daughter Andrea Tooley #1066 and my son Craig Tooley #1156.  It is said you only have one 1st Hoka Hey,  but I was able to experience 2022 by watching  Andrea's excitement and now 2024 with Craig's. We are excited to be a part of retracing the 2010 inaugural ride as I have never been to Key West, plus have always wanted to see  Canada,  the Yukon and Alaska!


 I am riding for Mile Monsters Inc   
Ride 4 Others | Mile Monsters Inc.
Charity Riders who compete in Cross Country Endurance Challenges. We ride to raise money and awareness in the fight against childhood disease.

Helping kids who have DMD live their best lives. Please check the link, read about our Heroes

Travel Light, Travel Fast, Travel Far
Valerie "Gypsy" Stewart
Wishing us all a safe and fabulous finish.