
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Meet The Rider # 939 Robert Goffinski

 There is no gratitude or achievement in doing things that are easy. JFK said “we choose to do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard.”

 Six years ago others were astonished that at 70 years old I would attempt to do the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I didn’t think much of it and didn’t prepare with a back up team or any assistance from anyone. I kissed my wife goodbye and said I’ll see you in three or four weeks. It’s just a 10,000 mile ride. A piece of cake, they even tell you where to go. A no-brainer. Well, this year the HokaHey revisits the original journey from Key West to Homer, Alaska.


 How could I miss that? I’m 76 1/2 years old now and God has blessed me with decent health and an understanding wife. I also have the good fortune of possessing a new steed to take me on this journey. I hope she’s ready because I am. The famous pizza box and some other alterations will make their debut in Daytona HokaHey 2024. What do you say we “Gopher a ride?”

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