
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Meet The Rider # 555 Jimmy Milas

 I have been a Boilermaker for 47 years and finally retired for local #555. I decided to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2016 after meeting Jim Herold and his wife Janet on a ferry to New Foundland. So far I have finished 3 challenges 2016 2018 and 2022. My enthusiasm in 2016 was all about being in the top 20 finishers. I got stuck in a July fourth parade in Maine and had just about given up, with a bald tire and almost out of stamina and all the shops closed for the holiday.  After a few hours sitting on the curb enjoying the parade I realized how close I was to the Canadian border and those shops where open for business. 25 hrs later I crossed the finish line with new brakes, tour pak mount and a new tire. And to my surprise placing # 18. 


2018 my second Hoka Hey, I put in place the four pillars of the Hoka Hey 

1. Compassion for other riders and their well being

2. Respect for the public that I was meeting along the way

3. Integrity to knowingly follow all the rules and laws of the country

4. Realizing what an Honor it was to be able to ride the Hoka Hey for a second time stepping up my game honoring the four pillars of this unique challenge. Placed #40



Missing 2020 because I was to slow to catch a cold (covid)  had to wait for 2022


Again riding with KC Aston # 618 who kept me going in 2016 with his support together we finished in the 80's. And it was the most calming and relaxing ride of my life taking pictures and videos along the way. And still made it to the end of the road party as Elite Finishers.



2024 is here and I'm heading to Key West for the second time and Homer for the third. I've been inspired by the best riders in North America with over 500K miles under their belts and some 600K. These challenges have been the best two week holidays I have ever had. It is my Honor to be able to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge for the fourth time, seeing all the returning riders and meeting the new ones.





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