
Monday, June 3, 2024

Meet The Rider # 950 Jeremy Buechner

 I have been riding and been around motorcycles since I was young. I first became aware of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2010. I followed this event for many years before riding in my first challenge in 2020 and then again in 2022. This will be my 3rd challenge and I am looking forward to it. This challenge is the type of riding that I really enjoy. Riding the most technical roads in the US and seeing all of the beautiful landscape, it’s an amazing journey.
     I am riding for the Mile Monsters Inc. Truly an awesome group of riders making an epic impact on the kids that they support.
     I also need to mention that the Volunteers, Check points, Board of Directors and fellow Riders are such an amazing group of people. You won’t get an experience like this anywhere else.  See you in Daytona.

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