
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1153 Steven Schmidt

 1153 a prime number; If you know me the number is apropos. I started riding at the age of 16, one
week after getting my drivers’ license, and have not looked back since. People often ask me if they
should start to ride. My answer is always the same: don’t get a bike. You will never be without one
for the rest of your life. I hale from Minnesota, but now live in southeast Colorado. As many have
written on this post before me, I had thoughts of finishing in the top 20. After having met some of
you and other riders, I find myself humbled and just hope I can complete the mission. 


I will be riding for the SE Colorado Shriners Club and the Wiley Lions Club of Colorado. These two clubs
focus on supporting children with serious illnesses and diabetes: two causes that are especially
important to me. Diabetes has haunted my life now for 16 years with many ill effects lurking in the
background. I think of the children that may never know a life without dietary restrictions and
needles. This medical condition required me to change some aspects of my life, to include my
previous profession. Maybe someday a child will not have the daily struggles other children with
Diabetes have to face daily now.

I first found out about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge, visiting Hot Springs, SD during the end of the 2022 Hoka Hey. I asked a rider what was with all the bikes as he explained the ride. I listened with great attention. My wife who also rides and was in attendance of this meeting, dragged me away, saying yes of course you know you can go in 2024. I returned home and immediately informed the boss that I will be attending the 2024 HOKA HEY! I have been waiting like a child on Christmas eve night for over
two years now. Looking forward to ride with others that have the same passion. See you all at the
end of July. Schmidty

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