
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1054 Wayne Skinner

I am returning rider Wayne Skinner, #1054. This will be my 2nd Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I’m looking forward to the 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge and can’t wait to see everyone in August. I wanted to ride my first Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge to see if I had what it took to finish and to see where l measured up to this elite group of motorcyclists from across the country.

 For me it is a personal challenge of spirit, emotion, mental and physical limits. When I finished the 2022 Hoka Hey, I was both excited and disappointed. I think I was more disappointed than excited. There was a realization that it was over. I was excited because I had just completed this challenge I had embarked on, yet disappointed because the journey had come to an end. Little did I know that it was just the beginning of my journey. The growth I have experienced as a person since the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge has far exceeded the 2022 motorcycle ride itself.
Hoka Hey!
Skinner #1054

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