
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1158 Dennis Baker

 Hi, I’m Dennis Baker new rider #1158, from NJ. I went in the Navy straight out of high school. When I got out of the Navy I worked in automotive and construction. It was then I met my beautiful wife Allison
who has stood by me for going on 38 years, and she convinced me to go back school. I started on motorcycles as a kid with dirt bikes and had them while I was in school. I bought my first street bike, a 1992 sportster, when I was 27 and never looked back. My primary riding consisted of
commuting to work which I did for close to 30 years until COVID hit and then working remote full time
became the thing.

I first got into long distance motorcycle riding in 2001 when my parents moved from NJ to FL and my
mother wanted me to help my father drive down. Being it was right after 9/11 I didn’t want to fly so I
put my 2001 Electraglide in the back of his truck and drove it down to Ft Myers, FL. I unloaded the bike
the next day and road to Key West. From there using the Harley Atlas (wish they still gave them) I
headed north through Western FL, GA country, NC Mountains into TN, Through PA to NJ.
I have done multiple IBA rides that are certified and dozens that are not, my favorite certified ride was
the 2017 eclipse ride which my wife rode as a passenger. We rode 1200 miles round trip to see the
eclipse. My favorite long distance ride was a solo trip to Alaska for my 50th birthday, from NJ to Prudhoe
Bay, AK and back without a plan.

I want to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge because it is a Challenge. Daily life can become
mundane and complacent and it’s easy to just trudge through the day to day. The Hoka Hey will test
your limits, push your resolve and make you dig deep to push through it.

The Charity I am riding for is Burlington County, NJ Toys for Tots (donation link below). They are a great
organization located in the same county as Joint Base MDL and 40% of the recipients are our young
heros and their families from the base.
Burlington County, NJ Toys for Tots Amazon List - Hoka Hey Rider 1158

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