
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1033 Louis Bergeron

Hi everyone, My name is Louis Bergeron and I am from QuĂ©bec. I have been riding for over 50 years. My riding experience started with enduros bikes and I’m still riding BMW dual sport off road all over the province and more.  On black top, I have already rides in all provinces and territories of Canada and in all States of USA beside Hawaii.

I was introduced to Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge by Cathy Lynne Carter Fultz in 2018 and finally decided to run the 2022 HH Challenge. For me it was a big expedition considering that I had no clues about the kind, size of instructions I was going to have and how to manage the navigation issues. I had a little experience in offroad roadbook, but with personal advise and tips from Heinz, Richard Eastman, Ron Duda and Mike Worcester that gives me confidence enough to learn to combine the right speed with my navigation skills and find my way to the Finnish line. The travelling gears and logistics was no stress form me considering my past experiences on canoe, camping, snowshoeing and survival expeditions in all seasons and conditions. As a enduro rider I have always dreamed of crossing the Canada and USA by trails and fields, North to South and East to West.  

The 2024 Hoka Hey Challenge represent to me a part of that dream considering the start in the Florida Key’s to the finishing at Homer, Alaska.  I am thankful to the Hoka Hey organization that providing a endless friendship community and family.

                See you in the wind, Louis #1033

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