Saturday, May 11, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1165 Del Meyer

Hello, I am Del Meyer (aka Ms. Ricochet Rabbit), #1165. I have been riding motorcycles for 18 years. I had always been curious about riding, but I'll never forget the first time I got on a bike, I went from feeling terrified to completely in love in about five feet. Six years ago, I started working for a public school so I could take full advantage of spending summer vacations exploring this beautiful country we live in as a seasonal adventurer living on my bike. Once I experienced motorcycle travel without any specific destination or a time limit, I decided to stop chasing expected life milestones and instead to focus on chasing happiness. I found beautiful sunsets in picturesque settings, freshly paved curvy roads, and the kind of peace that can only be found amongst the trees or rolling through a deserted desert alone with only the hum of the motor, and the occasional bug splat on the face to keep things interesting.


Back in 2019 I met a couple guys wearing matching vests I had never seen before, upon asking about it I learned about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. I found myself in awe.  I was intrigued with the stories of the beautiful routes, the challenges riders faced and the camaraderie the riders shared.  At that point, the idea of riding 10,000 miles in 14 days, sleeping under the stars next to my bike, with no GPS, was a bit too daunting. Over the years, my interest in participating in this challenge has grown along with my riding ability and confidence level with cross country motorcycle travel.  After watching the 2022 challenge with agonizing remorse, I decided nothing would stop me from participating in this year's event.


I will be riding for P.O.W.E.R Riders Inc. A charity organization for riders who want their miles to benefit something bigger than themselves. I decided to start a charity organization because it combines my two life loves, helping others and getting my knees in the breeze. What started out as an adventurous soul seeking quest has turned into somewhat of a quasi-lifestyle and it is time to start giving back. The proceeds from the HHMC will go towards helping children with Sanfilippo Syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis), a rare genetic neurodegenerative disease that causes children to lose all the skills they have gained, suffer pain, seizures, and movement disorders. This disease is 100% fatal and there is currently no FDA approved treatment or cure.  Imagine Alzheimer's and dementia, only in children. I have experienced dementia on both a personal and professional level. It's extremely difficult for seniors and unimaginable for children. I am honored to help raise awareness about this disease while having the opportunity to offer support to families, so they can focus on what really matters most, creating beautiful moments together while they are able to.

 Please click on the following link if you would like to help support my cause.
Online payment @ Charity Power Riders
Please enter any details in the notes section


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