Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1136 Pat Pickering

It wouldn't be proper starting a self-bio without saying above all else I'm a husband and a father of four amazing children. Fran, my wife, and I reside in a small northeast Nebraska town where we raise our four children together Audra(18) Spencer(14) Chael(5) and Regan(3). Fran works as a registered nurse, while I have worked for the same electrical and plumbing company for the last twenty years. When we're not working you can usually find our family doing one of the many activities our children enjoy; whether that's watching Audra play softball or on the dance team, taking Spencer camping or any sort of fishing, and Chael and Regan could live at the zoo if we let them. After all things family or work related, I'm usually traveling by motorcycle. I started riding dirt bikes at 17 and street bikes at 25. At first riding was a way to hang out with old friends and over the last few years it has transitioned into a love for long distance traveling.

The motivation for the 
Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge began shortly after a very close friend passed away suddenly, he was the man who got me into riding motorcycles. We talked about all these amazing places to travel to and famous roads to ride. Unfortunately, life always seemed to get in the way of these trips and when he passed away our ride list was basically untouched. This is when I decided tomorrow is never promised; I started checking off the ride list when I came across the Hoka Hey, I was taken back by the overall meaning and the ride itself. I started to become obsessed with the Hoka Hey, not just for the ride, but the places it takes a rider to both mentally and physically. The internal war one would have to wage on themselves is fascinating and knew it was a battle I needed to experience.

The charity I'll be riding for is The National Tuberous Sclerosis Association. Tuberous Sclerosis is an uncommon genetic disorder. TSC causes the growth of noncancerous tumors throughout the body, where the tumors develop determine the symptoms someone experiences. These tumors can lead to heart problems, kidney problem, seizures, autism and skin conditions. There is currently not cure for TSC, only treatment of symptoms it causes. I chose this charity because I have a very close family member who has a child affected by TSC. TSC is a disorder I hadn't heard of until the diagnosis and can only imagine how terrifying it must have been as a parent.  The money raised will go to researching a cure and improving the quality of life for those affected.

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