Once you realize that you're not doing it for yourself, that you participating in something that is bigger and greater than you could ever imagine, you start to realize its importance. I started preparing for the Hoka Hey in 2011 with nothing in mind but winning the top prize. Somewhere between Miami and Nova Scotia, maybe across the Indian reservations of South Dakota I realized that I have already obtained the American Dream, and I am ready, willing, and able to share it with those that are less fortunate than me in our country.
Get off your ass quit talking about it and do it, join me and some of the best riders in the world on the 2012 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in an effort to bring some hope, possibility and maybe some understanding to a group of Americans that live right here with us. You might also find yourself out on the road in the mist a of truly American event.
Shaun VanBeber
Hoka Hey Rider 600
2nd Place Finisher in 2011
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