
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1204 Jim Sharp

Hello, my name is Jim Sharp rider 1204. 2024 will be my first call to participate in the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. A little bit about myself. I grew up in a small upstate New York town where I was introduced to the world of motorcycles by my Stepfather Robert “Rainman” Talbett Sr. HH rider #832. After I graduated from high school I decided to enlist in the Army and move away from NY. After I was done serving my time with Uncle Sam I decided to stay in NC where I still reside today. I have known about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge since 2016 due to my Step Father Robert “Rainman” Talbett Sr. HH rider #832 and my Stepbrother Robert Talbett Jr. HH rider #831. Knowing what they had to endure on each of their attempts I have nothing but the highest respect for all riders that hear the call to test their limits. These days I can be found hitting the roads putting in the miles with my riding buddies Chip Quay HH rider #1130 and Greg Szakmeister HH rider #1056. I am either riding around hitting Tour of Honor stops, hitting twisties in the mountains or cruising on the latest IBA ride. I found a passion I never knew I had in long distance riding. Every trip is a new adventure and misery breeds memories.


Why am I riding in this year’s Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge? The answer to this question has a very personal meaning behind it. In 2016 my stepfather Robert “Rainman” Talbett Sr. HH rider #832 and stepbrother Robert Talbett Jr. HH Rider #831 both signed up and attempted their first Hoka Hey. After seeing what the challenge was about, I knew it was something I wanted to experience with them someday.  As it always does, life went on and I was no closer to getting a motorcycle to join my family in their long-distance adventures. The 2018 Challenge came and that was the year Rob Sr. finished. Once again, I could feel that desire to finally get my bike and join them on the road. And once again life went on without me getting that bike. I made the mistake that all of us make by thinking I had time. In 2020 we lost Rob Sr. to cancer and that’s when it hit me. Time is the one thing we cannot wait for. I missed out on the opportunity to ride with the man that was my main father figure growing up. This realization hit me hard. I was not going to wait any longer and soon after, I went out and bought my bike. The 2022 Challenge Rob Jr would attempt his third Hoka Hey Challenge. Knowing this was going to be a ride that he had to do alone I told him that I would ride out and meet him at the finish line. When all the dust settled Rob Jr not only finished the Hoka Hey, but he finished in the top 10 of riders. Full of pride, I was there to be the first to congratulate him. Hugs were given and tears shed.


 Now it is 2024 and it is my turn to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. This ride for me will be an emotional, spiritual and physical challenge. One that I am looking forward to. As we line up this year, I know I will have the watchful eye of the old man over me. I may not have had the opportunity to ride with him in life, I know he will be with me for every step of this adventure.

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