
Friday, July 12, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1135 Jared Brown

 I am Jared Brown, I am married with 3 children. Through work and play, I spend most of my time outdoors in the elements. I purchased my first bike in 2000. Did mostly short runs, but did do my first 1200 mile trip in three days on an 800 cc motorcycle.  I have gradually moved up into larger motorcycles and done more and more rides that have some distance to them. Some as challenges to myself, or for a charity ride my brother let me tag along, vacations and/or sight seeing endeavours.


   I’m sure it’s no surprise that I heard about the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge through my brother. Hearing stories from him and other riders was both inspirational and intimidating at the same time. Through different rides with my brother going to different meet ups. I witnessed the camaraderie and the overall willingness to jump into action if anyone, anywhere needed a helping hand.  I plan to ride in this challenge to be part of this community, but also to challenge myself to be a better me.

   I will be riding in support of Mile Monsters Inc. during this challenge. Raising money and awareness for boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

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