
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Meet The Rider # 938 David Beard

#1. Tell us a little about You. What do you so for fun when you are not riding?

One of the few things we do is also raise Bucking stock which can keep us busy and agile

#2. Why do you want to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge? The First year was a great experience in completed the Hoka Hey. It was a good test of all your abilities. This year will be a test to improve on those ability and to take the time to reflex and enter a old but new experience

#3. What are your expectations entering a challenge such as the HHMC for the first time? The first year was a little nerving? can i complete the task before me what trouble will you run into? Can you over come them?

#4. What is the best advice you have been given about riding the HHMC?

Try To be prepared mental and physically but don't overthink the problem or you will never leave the starting line have a little faith and believe in your self, And pack lite you wont use everything that you think and it will just make you more cumbersome and tired

#5. Did you have to overcome any obstacles to ride the challenge? Most of my obstetrical to over come were getting everything squared away to be gone that amount of time at work and at home with animals. If you ask my dogs I'm not allowed to be gone that long again.  It also required the help and support of those around me to get it done. 2 year worth of vacation time from work to complete the Hoka hey Total of 4 years to do two rides.  

#6. How did you hear about the HHMC? I was in Daytona and meet Red cloud as they were talking about the Hoka Hey one of the guy that i went to Daytona with had been learning about the Hoka hey hoping to ride with him one of these day

#7. What was it you heard about the HHMC that attracted you to want to ride such a tough challenge? It was the aspect of making it your own ride and more of a test against myself to challenge myself to do more and be better in many aspect of my life

#8. What non-profit are you supporting and why did you choose them? Still working on a Non Profit for this years ride

If You are a returning rider consider these questions as well


How many years have you participated in the HHMC and which years? This will be my Third Hoka Hey finish 2018 Hoka Hey (Good Medicine )and 2020 (Momis Komet)

Now that you have ridden a challenge what is your favorite part of the challenge? It's hard to say what was the best part It was great to meet everyone involved with the hoka hey, meet so many diverse backgrounds of people and to be able to see this great nation on two wheels. Facing everything that arose during the ride

What was the most difficult trial you faced on a challenge? Having to keep the bike working  and limping it 8,000 thousand miles home draining the oil out of the primary 3 times a day and hoping not to run out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, And dodging a tornado and hail storms.  

Have You convinced anyone to ride the HHMC? Have not been able to get anyone to step up too the challenge

David Beard
Snyder, TX 79549

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