
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Meet The Rider # 814 Robert Saunooke through his Wifes Eyes

  1. Have you seen any change in Your rider since they started riding the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge? If yes, what?
    Rob's first Hoka Hey was 2014 to Alaska.  He had never done anything like it before and was of what to expect.  He would call at the end of each day and would basically say "things are going good, I am closer to the next checkpoint than home so I guess I will just keep going."   By the time he got to Montana he was a different person.  His calls changed to calls of thankfulness, gratitude and emotion.  Each day he made it to the next stop he found miracles and perspective he did not have before.  The ride changed him for the better.  He was more peaceful, humble, and forgiving.  He found an appreciation for the things that he had forgotten or gotten distracted from in the past.   His approach to all aspects of life have been so much different and his love for the world, people, and things around him increased.


  2. Why do You continue to support their efforts?
    The relationship between Rob and the other riders means so much to him.  He truly cares about each of them.  Rob feels each rider that goes down or gets hurt.  It is literally a physical part of him now.  I cannot remove it from him and support him simply because it is a part of him.  Each ride he does returns to me a better person.


  3. What part if any do you have in their adventure?
    I make sure everything is ready for his trip.  During the ride I simply let him ride his ride and find myself primarily providing emotional support and words of encouragement.  In 2014 as he crossed into Canada he was doubting himself.  I got all of his friends to send him facebook messages and text messages to keep him going and lift his spirits.  It worked and he finished the journey.


  4. Why do you think they keep coming back?
    I think that when you do the Hoka Hey and complete the journey it becomes a part of you that you cannot remove.  I used to think it was more for the challenge, but now I think it is more for time to heal, recharge your soul, and allow you to reconnect with yourself.  I think Rob keeps coming back to try and recreate what he felt and experienced on the first Hoka Hey.   It also helps him clear his head from all the stress and pressure of his job so that he can come back and really do what he needs to do.
    Rob will be riding for Mile Monsters Inc. donations can be made here.

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