
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 923 Charlie Farrell

I completed 30 years of active duty as a Hospital Corpsman in the Coast Guard. in 2010 I
returned to my native home of New Jersey. In 2012 when Super Storm Sandy hit the Jersey
Shore my church denomination appointed me the Area Disaster Relief Coordinator where I
managed more the 300 volunteers and $400k from 2012 to 2014.
I completed 2 masters’ degrees since 2014, an MPS in Urban Ministry from Alliance
Theological Seminary and an MS in Nonprofit Leadership from Fordham University.
I am currently working on a Doctor of Ministry.
I started a Biker Church in 2019.
Biker Church
I am a designated Chaplain with Trinity Motorcycle Ministry.
Chaplain With Trinity Motorcycle Church


I desire to ride  Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge because of its intrigue, mystique, level of difficulty, and experience parts of the U.S. I’ve never traveled before. (I’ve traveled through 49 of the 50 states. The only one I hadn’t been through is North Dakota. Also to become part of a very elite group of riders who’ve challenged the Hoka Hey.

I chose Messenger International’s “Messengers Cup” annual fundraiser for Exodus Road. I
have friends and family who serve at John Bevere’s Messenger International ministry.
Exodus Road is an Anti-Human Trafficking Organization. I will be collaborating with
Copperfox Coffee Roasters raising funds. The past few years $5k was donated in support of
Exodus Road. Copper Fox Coffee Roaster


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