
Monday, May 13, 2024

Meet The Rider # 904 Kevin Blevins

Having finished the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge in 2018 I’m returning for another attempt. Not really knowing what to expect last time, I'm  ready to hit the road again . Having ridden in other LD events, this is the one I couldn’t wait to run again. Unfortunately, life got in the way in 20 and 22 for me and I couldn’t make either one .

The camaraderie of the Hoka Hey folks Is 2nd to none and the ride is awesome, we rode
across Texas in 18 and never hit a large city ! Going off the grid for all intents, well if you ride it as
suggested, you come out the other end a different person . Probably the most difficult thing for me was
to have to continue my ride when a friend and fellow rider had to drop out. I find the look on people’s
faces when  I tell them of my Hoka Hey adventures quite amusing. I often find myself chuckling inside
when they follow that with a look saying that’s crazy I could/would never do that ! When I’m not riding, I
can usually be found working on my hot rod or on a home improvement project. 

This year my charity is The Longest Day, which is an Alzheimer’s/Dementia Charity in memory of my mom who passed in 22 a few weeks before the last Hoka Hey

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