
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Meet The Rider # 865 Guy Paquin

Hi, my name is Guy Paquin, rider 865. I am a Canadian Army veteran who served 30 years: Infantry /Airborne/ Ranger (US Army) finally retired 2008. I served at home and abroad.  When not riding, I am an avid long distance cyclo-tourer, a photographer and a hiker.  During our long Canadian winter rather than suffer from Parked Motorcycle Syndrome, I ski, cross country ski, fat bike and snowshoe until March 16, first days when we can legally put our bikes on the road!


I rode the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge for the challenge. I had no expectations when I rode my first Hoka Hey in 2016. The best advice I received at the time was to expect the unexpected and be ready for anything. Being retired, other than being available, no obstacles had to be overcome to participate. I first heard about the Hoka Hey in 2012 in the Lon distance riding community, I am member of the IBA (Iron Butt Association #35606) , have ridden in many editions of the Void, the Mason–Dixon, Cape Fear  and  Team Strange events and many others so I was naturally attracted to such a challenge.


This year I am planning to support the Canadian cancer society for their fight against breast cancer, it has touched many members of my family and friends.

This is my second participation, 2016 was my first and I was not available since for various scheduling reasons.  As for trials during 2016 challenge: In Colorado a lady backed herSUV into my parked bike, witnesses got her to leave her number but she wouldn’t answer her phone until I got a local police officer to call: lost about a riding day …so not much of an ordeal but frustrating nonetheless. I had not planned much time after the scheduled End of Road party so had to cut short and head for the Finish line (This year I have nothing planned until early September so am more ready for the unexpected!)But as the saying goes about these small frustrations:  Don’t mean nothing, Drive on or in this case Ride on….

See you all on the road

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