
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Meet The Rider # 1048 James Mooney

My name is James Mooney returning rider #1048. I am a retired systems administrator and mostly worked on boundry defence contract for the US Army. Since then I enjoy playing my music, I still consider myself as an emerging one man band playing swamp rock and blues. I take care of my Yorkie and stay motivated to ride my motorcycles when I can, supporting Mile Monsters Inc. and the awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I embrace everyday and grateful for the life I have paved for myself. My home base is central Louisiana for whats its worth. Its open and sometimes challenging in itself.


I want to do the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge again to rock it like non other before. After being a rookie last time I have hopefully learned a system that will over come any and all complications I endoured the first. Although I am well aware of the friction of this event. This event changed my life. Some good, some bad and some that is yet to come. The adventure on this ride finds you to be motivated, inspired, impressed and disappointing, frustrated and mistakes to be had. But at the end its the end of the beginning of whole new outlook that you have absorbed. Hoka Hey!

The best advice I can give to anyone is ride your ride and finish. There will always be a tick in your mind playing games with yourself...don't ignore them embrace them ..then overcome them and push forward. It's a challenge remember that sometimes you're not in control of the elements but in charge how you approach them.

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