
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1207 Robert Long

Hello. I’m Robert Long, #1207, and my wife of 37 years and sons operate a bison ranch in
southwest Missouri. We also have run a USDA meat processing facility. Both of my sons work
in the family business and all six of my grandkids live on the ranch. In addition to our large herd
of brown bison, we also have a small herd of white bison. We have been raising bison for 30
years. Life is GOOD!

I bought my first motorcycle at 16 and love exploring our country. I have completed several big
rides including the 2023 IBR, the Great Lakes 100, and my proudest accomplishment was
winning the Junior Butt Rally with the L Train, Lionel Ramos. I am so happy I was selected to
ride the 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. The opportunity to participate with some of the Greats in long distance motorcycle riding is an honor. The Challenge has always intrigued me because of the grit it
takes to complete it. I love backroads, become frustrated with electronic gadgets, and sleeping
outdoors is right up my alley. I’m fortunate that the 2024 Challenge also includes Alaska. I had
planned to ride to Alaska in 2020 then covid hit and stopped international travel. I have family
that has lived in Alaska since the 70’s, and I have always wanted to visit.

The non-profit that I have chosen is the Pheo-Para Alliance. This advocacy, awareness, and
support group is invaluable to those afflicted by this rare genetic condition. A condition that most
healthcare professionals know nothing about, this group gives you resources to help those
affected make the treacherous journey. Their conferences, webinars, and medical facility
connections make this non-profit a must with those diagnosed with pheochromcytomas or

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