
Friday, May 10, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1185 Brian Signal

I have been riding motorcycles since about 10 years old. Anything from dirt bikes, 3 wheeler, street
bikes. At 21 y/o I was able to purchase my first Harley and have been riding Harley's them since. At 18
y/o I joined the Air Force as a Medic and began a journey in the military taking me to Louisiana from my
home state of Washington. Throughout my career I was able to be stationed in Germany. While
stationed in Germany, I of course brought my Harley with me and was able to ride some of the greatest
rides I have yet to ride.

 One trip we rode north from Germany to reach the farthest tip of Norway about 600miles north of the Arctic Circle to Nordkap. Reaching to the top just was just the beginning as we then rode south through Finland coast along the Russian boarder and many beautiful countries making it to the Mediterranean Sea in Italy. This trip was with 5 great guys and we tent camped 12 of the 14 days we were on the road and clocked little over 6000miles.

The next year made a trip through the UK/Scotland/Ireland taking a ferry back into Spain down to the Rock Gibraltar and into Northern Africa then headed back up to Switzerland to catch the Swiss 500mile. While in Europe I was able to ride in 2 separate Swiss 500miles and one Belgium 500mile rides. These may not have been as long at the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge but very challenging specially as an American. As like the Hoka Hey, no GPS’s only turn by turn directions I received at each checkpoint, and all back roads. Also one point in the Military I was able to become an MSF instructor.

After retiring from the Military I bought a small Biker Bar in town, working as a Paramedic at night, finishing my Nursing degree during the day, and all while met my wife Brandi. Who is also riding this year’s Hoka Hey as #1186. After riding above Artic Circle in Europe I had always wanted to ride to Alaska to have been able to ride above the Arctic Circle on both continents. But with Military, retiring, work stuff hadn’t been able to fit it into my plans for a while. I’ve been following the Hoka Hey since the 2020 ride. I missed the 2022 application. So I was all in for the 2024 run and when I heard this
year’s Hoka Hey was heading up to Alaska it all just fell into place!

I’ve been a Shriner for right at 20 years so for 2024 I will be raising funds for the Shriner’s Hospital for
Children. The first Shriner’s Hospital opened in 1922 in Shreveport, Louisiana and now have 15 Hospitals
helping children every day. With a moto of “We Ride So Kids Can Walk”…. what better way to ride the
Hoka Hey!

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