
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Meet The New Rider # 1142 Whiskey Lynne


Hi there! My name is Whiskey Lynne, and I’m rider #1142.

I tell people that I was born with a clutch in my hand. I’ve ridden dirt bikes, quads, and 3 wheelers ever since I can remember. I learned how to ride a motorcycle when I was 17 (1993), and I finally got my own ride in 2005 at 28. In 2023, I packed what I could on my 2020 Triglide, and I left my old life and started a new one. For 10 months, I went full nomad. I was homeless on my Harley. I had no real plan or destination when I left. I ran through 23 states last year, and I found more of myself than I even thought was missing. It’s not lost on me that, the year before, my friend had sent me a text with “You should check this out.” with the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge website link attached. I looked at it and instantly thought “I need to do this.” I had also run into 2 Hoka Hey vest wearing gents at the Galveston, Texas Lone Star Rally that year. They probably thought I was nuts, having stopped them to be overly excited that a friend had sent me a link about the patches on their backs, but I knew it was a sign. I had no idea I would be nomading by myself the very next year. I was 100% homeless when I registered for this event. Whenever I found myself in some crazy/hazardous road, life, or weather condition, I trained myself to think, “This is GREAT training for Hoka Hey!” anytime something would go sideways.

For work, I have a “laptop on the Harley lifestyle” life coaching and being of service in my road ministry which I refer to as “Bugs In the Lipgloss”. I am an ordained minister and Post Traumatic Growth Coach, and I teach folks how to identify self-limiting beliefs and patterns and how to change them. My specialties include working with individuals with (military and domestic) PTSD/C-PTSD and people who are ready to break their codependency cycles. I inspire change in those that I meet online and on the road. I help empower them to leave unhealthy relationships (especially with themselves), expose their authenticity to the world, and heal. I’ve fought and conquered these beasts myself, including putting down the bottle of my namesake in October of 2023. I’m currently writing a book about my work and travels, and building my speaking career.

When you level up, you always start back at the bottom; but never back at ground zero. You bring with you all of the wisdom and tools that you’ve acquired along the way. Hoka Hey is the next level for me. I was pushed to my personal brink last year, and I’ve healed and grown more than I could have ever imagined because of it.

I am excited to see what lessons I’m to learn next, and I am so grateful for this opportunity!

I have chosen to raise funds for  Feeding America. Throughout my life, and the lives of my children, food security had been an issue, and were it not for food banks and other programs, I would have gone a lot hungrier than I ever was. The goodness of people who supported programs like this kept my children from ever going hungry. I’ll never regret standing in a line to make sure that my children were provided for when I was in hard times, and I will always give back wherever I can. I pray that you join me too. Through Feeding America, $1 can provide up to 10 meals in equivalency because of the way they run their programs to provide food banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and other outlets to feed the hungry solely in the United States.

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