Thursday, September 10, 2015

…said the spider to the fly.

The 2016 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge continues to come together and is, as previous years, going to be a difficult endeavor to say the least.  If you consider yourself an adventurous person then perhaps the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is tailor made to test your mettle.
However, considering yourself an adventurous person and being an adventurous person capable of navigating the adversities of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge are two distinctly different things.  The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge will entice you and promise you grand accomplishments and lead you to believe you are capable of doing anything.  The Challenge will whisper in your ear and paint a picture of you beating the odds when all others have failed.  But that is exactly what the spider said to the fly.
As you endeavor to conquer the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge, the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge will endeavor to conquer you.  That’s what it does and it is very good at what it does.  If I were a top salesman I would tell you how easy the Challenge really is and that the dialog depicting the unforgiving and unrelenting nature of the Challenge is nothing more than hype to make it seem hard.  I would tell you that because, as a top salesman, I want your money. If I don’t entice you to give me your money then I am no longer the top salesman—some other salesman, one more capable of painting a pretty picture, one comfortable with twisting the truth would take my place.
I am not a salesman.  I am a Hoka Hey Challenger and I know, first hand, just how unforgiving the Challenge can and will be.  If you stop riding for the day because your butt hurts then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL most likely break you.  If you depend on a GPS while traveling through new areas then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you.  If you are uncomfortable with the thought of being lost, then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you because you will get lost—more than once.  If you do not like being alone for days on end then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you.  If you cannot go a day without showering, if you do not like sleeping on the ground, if you require three meals a day (meals not from a gas station) then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you—twice.  If it is a frightful thought to encounter a deer (or any creature of the forest), as it dashes across the road in front of you in the middle of the night, then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you.  If riding in rain that turns to hail bothers you then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you.  Most importantly, if you are not capable of making responsible decisions when you are beyond tired, cold to the bone and in physical pain then the Hoka Hey Challenge WILL break you in the worst sort of way.

There are parts of the Hoka Hey Challenge that will leave you with sights, events and memories of moments in time that you will look back on fondly for the rest of your life—but to get there you must ride through the hail storm, the dust storm, the blistering heat in the middle of the desert, and the bitter cold of snow fall; sometimes all four in a single day.  While riding the Challenge you will be amazed, irritated, excited, humbled, astonished, exasperated, motivated, inflicted upon, overjoyed, annoyed and impressed—each of these emotions will present themselves in equal measure each and every day.  Muscles and bones you never knew you had will ache and burn.  There will be many times you will be so tired and sore that dropping your bike when you stop at an intersection will be a real possibility and most likely will happen.

The Hoka Hey Challenge is not for the meek.  It is not for the person who “thinks” of themselves as adventurous.  It is not for the casual rider—in fact the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is not for the vast majority of licensed motorcyclists.  It caters to a very small piece of the riding community.  The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge may call your name… if you can talk yourself out of it I suggest you do.  If you cannot talk yourself out of it, if it becomes an obsession, if you have ridden thousands of miles in a few days and look forward to doing it again, if you are truly the type of person who has a gut-wrenching need to push yourself beyond your known limits, then the Challenge is designed specifically for you.  Regardless, the Challenge will do everything it can to break you and make you regret your decision to enter this unique realm.  The question is, “Who is stronger?  You, or the Challenge.”  Let the journey begin; Icimani-Hoka Hey 2016.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Who Are You?

The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is a long distance, painful and unforgiving test of a rider’s abilities.  It is 20% physical ability and 80% mental stamina; your body, your mind and your spirit will be put to the test.  Every mile will work hard to break you.  The riders who participate in the Challenge all leave the starting line at the same time as a group, but that’s where the “group” part ends.  You must face this ride alone; even if there is a fellow rider next to you on the highway it is a solo ride.  From that point on it is an individual ride and each rider comes out of it with a different perspective.  With some, as they ride those endless miles, the inner barriers that have been built and the façade that has been created by life’s events come crashing down because, with the pain that comes with long distance riding, the ability to maintain that inner barrier, the strength needed to maintain that façade, cannot be sustained.  Others learn just how much pain they can endure and they discover the inner strength to continue when every fiber in their body tells them to quit.  Sadly others learn they may not have the stamina they thought they had.  Truly, the test is not, "Can you finish the ride?"  The real test is can you face who you really are.  Are you comfortable with who you are?  Can you face the world after the barriers and the façade come crashing down?
To state what a person might learn about themselves or discover about their abilities during this test would be speculative at best; each person is different.  Regardless of who you are, regardless of what you think you know about yourself, this endurance ride will be an education in self-discovery.  Chances are you will learn that the person you thought you were is not really the person you are.  This is not a bad thing; to learn the truth about yourself is what must happen if your true desire is to actually be the person you want to be, the person your Mother brags about.  Learning the truth about yourself is the first step; the hardest step.
Whether you finish the ride or not is not an indication of success or failure, what comes after is the true indicator and the results are dependent on you and your level of resolve.  Do you go forward using your new found knowledge, or do you crawl back in a hole and rebuild the façade?  Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.  The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is just the beginning of a long and very hard journey.  Hoka Hey 2016; Icimani.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Memorial Ride is Now History

If you find your name on the list of unfortunates who were not able to ride the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Memorial Ride from Red Cloud, Nebraska to Hot Springs, South Dakota then the only thing I can say is you missed a pertinent piece of Hoka Hey history. Over 120 riders assembled in the Red Cloud, NE area and truly it was reminiscent of a family reunion. Many small communities, when invade by 120+ leather clad motorcyclist, might be concerned and might even act harshly towards these unknown riders. However the citizens and community of Red Cloud opened their doors and hearts to us and treated us like family. Businesses opened early and stayed open late to accommodate our needs—words cannot express the level of appreciation and gratitude.

The 505 mile group ride on the 31st of July went without a hitch and every rider rolled into Hot Springs without accident or incident. There were a couple of minor mechanical issues, but fellow riders stepped in to lend a hand and no one was left behind—everyone who left Red Cloud arrived in Hot Springs at the same time. We even picked up a rider in Ogallala, NE who had broken down and got him and his ride to Rapid City for repair—this rider was not part of the Memorial Ride, but he is now part of the Hoka Hey family. We made a friend that day and I feel it necessary to extend a shout out to Matt Wolf who went beyond what was expected, sat his own desires to the side, and ensured this rider and his ride got to his final destination. All that happened that day is a testament to the professional riders who were part of this great event. During this time old friendships were rekindled and new friendships were made.

On the 1st of August these same riders participated in one of only two sanctioned parades down Main Street Sturgis—which, in itself, comes with bragging rights.

Yea, I’m sorry, but you missed a great series of events that we would be hard pressed to duplicate.

To say Hoka Hey is a family is a gross understatement; I am proud to call these people family and friend.

Friday, July 17, 2015

2015 Hoka Hey Challenge Memorial Ride

The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Memorial Ride is fast approaching.  On the 31st of July over 100 riders will depart Red Cloud, Nebraska for a 500 mile group ride to Hot Springs, South Dakota.  But, it doesn’t stop there.  On the 1st of August many of these same riders and others will participate in an escorted parade down main Street Sturgis to kick off the 75th Anniversary of "Sturgis Bike Week" and that ride will culminate at the Indian Dealership.
We have all lost friends and family over the past many years.  This is our way of honoring those who gave all while riding the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.  The Challenge is unforgiving and we all know that when we started that long ride, but it did not stop us nor did it stop them.  We will ride the Memorial Ride and accept the risk associated with it because we know it is by this effort we pay on a debt we can never repay.

Obviously this ride will not ease the pain felt by family members nor will it fill the void created by their absence, but it is fitting that we make this attempt to honor them the best way we know how and by doing so we will rekindle the friendships lost.
Never forget.
Hoka Hey!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Group Riding Is Risky Business! (Part 2)

Cagers are a looming threat to riders.  I don’t think they are a threat on purpose—at least not most of them.  The threat mainly stems from cagers talking on the phone, texting, reading and/or just not paying attention to their surroundings.  In Part 1 of Risky Business we covered a few of the most prominent cager antics that can ruin our day.  In Part 2 we will discuss the threat we can create by our own actions as riders.

Nothing good happens after a rider says, “Hey, watch this!”  More often than not the rider who initiates a self-destructive act is a new rider who has not yet come face to face with death because of a bone-head maneuver.  We’ve all been there and done that and, if you are reading this, you probably survived the episode and learned the valuable lesson of, “Don’t ever do that again.”

A group ride includes riders from every walk of life.  Some are experienced riders and some are not.  Some ride touring bikes while others ride a crotch rocket.  Some riders know the rider next to them and have ridden together a number of times while others you met just a couple of minutes before you started the ride.  Nothing wrong with any of these variables—until you add personality and attitude that is not conducive to the intent of the Hoka Hey Memorial Ride.

Every personality, every attitude must bow to the group dynamic.  If you like riding 10 MPH over the speed limit, but the group is sticking to the speed limit then you must set your preference aside and stick to the speed limit.  If you and your friends like riding side by side, but the group leader wants staggered riding then you must set your preference aside and ride staggered.

The list of things to NOT do while riding in a group is lengthy and any infraction can and most probably will result in an accident or incident—at the very least it may cause some bad feelings and/or an exchange of harsh words.  There is no reason to pass the rider ahead of you; it’s a group and everyone will get to the destination at the same time regardless of where you are in the group.  Do not pass a rider on the right, do not weave in and out of riders to get toward the front of the group.  When you come to a curve expect the rider in front of you to veer into your side of the lane; depending on the direction of the curve.  Expect it and act accordingly—meaning, give them room.  Don’t get angry at them because chances are you are doing the same thing.

Be diligently mindful of your surroundings.  If you focus on the couple of bikes in your immediate area you will miss a problem with a bike four or five lengths forward of you that WILL affect every rider behind them.  Follow the two second rule based on the rider directly in front of you.  Always have yourself in a position that offers an escape route.

We have all been in organized group rides where a Road Captain will stop in the middle of an intersection and stop cross traffic to allow riders to roll through the red light—this is known as “breaking the law” and might well result in multiple traffic citations.  The only person who has the authority to stop traffic is a police officer—a police office on duty and in uniform.  Do not stop cross traffic to allow fellow riders to roll through an intersection.  This adds great risk to all riders.  The cager who does not see the rider just before hitting them will also no see the rider in the intersection directing traffic.

I could spout off hundreds of examples of what not to do in a group ride, but won’t.  Suffice it to say all need to focus just a bit more and subdue a tendency to initiate an action that might add risk.  The worst thing that could happen would be a preventable accident that tainted the Memorial Ride.

If you see an obstacle on the road ensure you signal the rider behind you; a quick signal will give notice that something is amiss and needs immediate attention.

Weather plays a major role in any ride.  A nice warm summer day makes for a better ride than a summer day plagued with thunderstorms.  Same road, same riders, same bikes… but the addition of rain, high heat and/or high winds will change the dynamic in a drastic way.  A rider with a decent set of tires may be good on dry pavement, but once the pavement gets wet the decent tire now becomes one that might be lacking.  Tires are often the most ignored part of the bike, but in fact is the only thing between you and the harsh reality of road rash.

Be sure you hydrate as you ride and during stops.  Take care of your bike, take care of your body and, most importantly, take care of the riding attitude.

Ride safe, be vigilant, stay focused and ride not only for your own safety, but for the safety of every rider in the group.

Hoka Hey!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Group Riding Is Risky Business! (Part 1)

The 2015 Hoka hey Motorcycle Challenge Memorial Ride is fast approaching.  We will ride as a group from Lebanon, KS to Hot Springs, SD on July 31st.  The quantity of riders has yet to be determined but the number is growing.  There are very few things that are more impressive than a long string of riders on the highway—and few things more risky.
Take a group of riders who have never ridden together before, add into the mix a wide range of riding styles and skill levels and you come up with a recipe for trouble.  All it takes is one rider to make a mistake or lose focus for an instant and the outcome can be disastrous.  That alone should give us reason to be concerned, but let’s add another variable—the cager.
Cagers do not ride, they do not understand the dynamic of riding nor do they care.  Below are a list of things that WILL happen during the Memorial Ride.
1 – A cager will drive up behind us and feel a need to pass the group—perfectly legal.  But a cager will not be able to pass the entire group in a single try which means they WILL cut into the group a number times depending on the number of bikes.  So, knowing they will pass and knowing they cannot pass the entire group we must be vigilant.  If you see a car passing on your left then assume they will cut into the right lane at some point and chances are they will opt to reside for a time in the patch of road you currently occupy.  Give them room, slowly back off on your speed and give them the room they need—not just space between you and the car, but enough room so the car can back off the hindquarters of the rider in front of them.  Take your eyes off of them for one second and they will put you in the ditch – or worse.
2 – A car following too close, in my mind, is attempted murder.  Were we to live in a state of anarchy we could remove this threat with just a few rounds of ammunition, but we do not live in a state of anarchy.  If there is a car tailgating then tap the brake just enough to engage the brake lights, but not enough to reduce your speed.  A conscientious cager will take the hint and back off a bit, but if they are too stupid to take the hint then move to the left or right of the lane to provide an escape route if needed.  Likewise, do not tailgate a cager—they will see that as an opportunity to slam on their brakes and watch you fly over and past their windshield; then calmly stand by and watch you die.
3 – Most head on collisions between a rider and a cager happens when the cager turns left in front of an oncoming rider.  Be very vigilant when riding through a town or when coming up on a county road intersection and there is head-on traffic.  They will see you, but your presence will not register in their little pea brain.  The last words you will hear while gasping for your last breath will be, “but officer, I didn’t see them!”  Something to be said for a state of anarchy.
Part two of “Risky Business” will discuss what we as riders can do to reduce the risk we pose to each other in a group ride.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

1001, 1002, 1003

The time it took for you to read the title of this blog, roughly 3 seconds, is all the time needed to lose your life.  A couple of years ago I was in Rapid City, SD headed to Hot Springs to visit with Jim & Beth of Hoka Hey fame and was setting at an intersection waiting for the light to turn green.  A rider passed through the intersection and he looked toward me and nodded his head as to say, “Hey, how’s it going?”  That was all the time needed for the car in front of him to stop and he rode into the back of the car.

Distracted Riding = Damage and Injury
His injuries were minimal, but the bike needed to go to the shop for repair.  While waiting on the police to show up we talked and I learned he was a rider with years of experience and this was his first mishap.  The split second it took for him to look at me was all the time it took for the convergence of unfortunate circumstances to meld together and result in an accident.

Riding is risky business and we, as riders, are responsible for reducing that risk as best we can.  Most assuredly during those years of riding he had, as we all have, allowed his attention to be diverted for a second or two while acknowledging someone while riding or take a few extra seconds to look at the scenic view to the left or right.  But, in previous instances other variables did not enter into the mix, like the car stopping unexpectedly or a deer dashing out to get to the other side of the highway.

We rely on our riding skill and experience to stay between the ditches and to keep the shiny side up while we ride.  These are important for sure, but I think attitude and focused attention are more important.  Call me rude if you like, but I will never wave at an oncoming rider while I’m in city traffic.  I assume every car within 100 feet of me is ready to implement a well-developed plan to run me down and then take a selfie over my lifeless body.  We have all had close calls with cagers and the only reason we lived through it was because we were 100% focused on the task at hand and evaded the assault.  What happens when that “close call” presents itself during that short span of seconds when we are momentarily distracted by some inconsequential thing?

Stay focused, stay alert and always ride as if everyone is out to get you.  It’s a strong bet they are indeed looking for an opportunity for the perfect selfie and your lifeless body would make a fine backdrop.  Don’t give them the opportunity.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide

Death seeks us all and there is little we can do to escape its inevitable conclusion.  We can hide in a hole with the belief that our existence on this earth will be extended, but what would we gain?  We can allow fear of defeat or fear of injury or death stop us from acting or we can live a life others cannot comprehend—the choice is ours.  I have always loved that ever popular quote from “Teddy” Roosevelt and I believe bears repeating, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

The Hoka Hey riders are truly those individuals who strive valiantly, who errs and, from time to time, comes up short, but who does not let the fear of failure nor the fear of death’s inevitable dance dissuade us from our cause.  On the 31st of July 2015 we will honor those who dared step out and dance knowing it could possibly be their last effort and, as death would have it, was their last effort.  Their souls were neither cold nor timid—their desire to be a part of something larger than themselves has painted for us a picture—a life, which we can never describe in words, but we can honor in deeds.

The Hoka Hey Memorial ride of 2015 is an effort that will honor the many strong souls who did not let fear of failure stop them.  Death seeks us all, by our actions we can give into fear and lay down, or we make death work hard for its prey.
Hoka Hey!

Join us on the 31st of July 2015 for an epic memorial ride in honor of the memory of:
Charles Lynn (6/26/2010)
Kenneth Greene (7/4/2010)
John Anderson (6/26/2013)
Newton Pereira (7/27/2014)
As well as others who have died believing in the ideals that were set forth when the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge kicked off in 2010.

Don't miss "Voices of the Badlands" in the May Issue of Cycle Source Magazine.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Sleep Deprivation and the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Part II

In part one “sleep deprivation” we talked about the potential for sleep deprivation during the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.  Each rider approaches the Challenge in their own way.  Some will push the envelope with the intent of crossing the finish line among the top contenders; others will meander through the course at a leisurely pace enjoying the scenery and the solitude. The Challenge is specifically designed to challenge the rider, testing the rider’s mettle while at the same time give the rider ample time to tend to their personal needs—like sleep.  A standard Hoka Hey Challenge course is 8000 miles (approximate) that must be navigated successfully within 14 days if the rider hopes to be present for the End of the Road Party—that’s an average of 571 miles per day.  A rider can navigate the 570 miles easily in a day’s ride and still provide sufficient time to sleep, eat, take pictures, meet new people—or whatever happens to catch their interest. However, we know most riders are going to exceed that 570 mile per day mark each day of the event—often times exceeding 1000 miles per day for 7 days.  To those riders you can be assured that sleep deprivation is a constant companion throughout the event.

So, how do we combat that constant companion?  Several studies have been conducted on sleep deprivation and how it affects the body.  There are stimulants available to combat sleep deprivation—some made from natural ingredients, others purely chemical based. 

The most common of course is caffeine.  It’s hard to drink a cup of coffee while tooling down the road, but slamming a cup when you stop for fuel is a viable option.  There are also caffeine pills that you can take.  Another is “Creatine” which may be a more effective nutrient than caffeine.  It can give you a boost by replacing the phosphates in the brain—a lack of which leads to sleep deprivation.  Others are Magnesium, Tyrosine and Phosphatidylserine.  Some of these listed are active ingredients in “sports drinks” like Gatorade, Red Bull and that Monster drink.  When all else fails… Try pickle juice!! (Yes… I said pickle juice.)

A point to make here is this.  All the studies show many of the listed supplements (and others) are good for the short term, but all come with an assortment of side effects.  Too much caffeine will have us bouncing off the walls and many of these others have the same effect.  Too much of a good thing is often not so good.  Every study of sleep deprivation had the same statement somewhere in the findings.  “The best way to combat sleep deprivation is to get some sleep.”
Catching a few hours of sleep eveyday during
the Challenge will enhance your experience.
Too much artificial stimulant can have the same effect on your body as sleep deprivation—loss of cognitive capability, lack of focus and slow reaction time.

Cater to your need using a responsible approach.  Riding straight for 48 hours may put you in the lead, but it will certainly substantially increase your risk of serious injury or death.  As a Hoka Hey Warrior we approach life with honor, integrity, respect and wisdom.  Which of these four attributes will you be willing to set aside to come in first place?  Disclaimer here: I AM NOT saying those who come in first set any part of themselves aside to meet their goal—not saying that at all.  It takes determination, fortitude, tenacity and courage to push your known limits.  What I am saying is this: “Don’t push to such an extent that you are endangering yourself and others around you.”  Many Hoka Hey riders will condition themselves over a period of months prior to leaving the Hoka Hey Challenge starting line.  The biggest mistake you can make is to attempt to ride 1000 miles the first day of the Challenge when you have never before attempted anything close to that.  If, during the Challenge, you push too hard and neglect the body’s need for sleep you will untimely slow yourself down and lose your edge—make a wrong turn and add hours to your day on the wrong road. 

Remember the story from that great author Aesop about the Tortoise and the Hare?  Hoka Hey Riders who reach their daily goal do so while riding steady with 3-4 hours of sleep each day. 
Stay hydrated, eat regular (although quick) meals, get off the bike when you fuel up and rather than slam a batch of artificial (although naturel) stimulants, take a 30 minute power nap from time to time to properly combat sleep deprivation and try to get at least 3 hours of sleep each day.  We are the Hoka Hey Family and any loss affects us all.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sleep Deprivation and the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Part I

We have all nodded off a second or two while driving—travelling down the road and all of a sudden we open our eyes and realize we nodded off.  That instant in time will get our attention quickly and for a moment we are readily alert—but only for a moment.  This is a clear indicator that we should pull over and rest for a while or allow someone else, someone more alert then we are, to take over the responsibility of driving.
Some might think nodding off on a motorcycle is something that seldom happens.  For those who are inexperienced in riding, or who have never participated in a long distance endurance ride, it is easy to believe nodding off on a motorcycle is something that just can’t happen.  But this is not the case.  Sleep deprivation while riding greatly increases the risk of catastrophe.
Multiple studies show a lack of proper sleep reduces reaction time and clouds perception. Lack of sleep severely affects a rider’s coordination and hampers the ability to focus.  (Not sure I would need an expensive study to determine that, but that’s a discussion for another time.)  There are two things a rider must be able to rely on while riding.  One being an escape route in the event of an unexpected obstacle and the other is the ability to recognize that obstacle in sufficient time to react—that requires focus.

As we ride we constantly scan the surrounding area often looking several hundred feet to our front as well as activities behind and beside us.  If our ability to focus and quickly process what we see is hampered by sleep deprivation then we are nothing more than an accident waiting to happen.  A slight lapse in concentration, caused by sleep deprivation, can decrease your ability to correctly determine the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.  When that vehicle in front of you, that you are already too close to, executes an emergency stop then that same lapse in concentration will hinder the thought process that is telling you to stop—lack of proper distance coupled with lack of reaction time equals a bad day.  If you put all those parameters together in that split second of time (lack of sleep, lack of distance and longer reaction time) you will ride right into the trunk of their car.  Such an event, at best, will leave a mark on your bike or, at worst, take your life.
As a cross country endurance ride, the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge presents inherent risks.  It demands a great deal from its participants and, as a result, riders will frequently put themselves in a position where they could exceed their limits.  Therein lies the dilemma…  We all know our own limits but we also know that we might tend to push the proverbial envelope when we accept the Challenge.
The question is this…  Once we accept the Challenge we are inclined to, during the event, intentionally deprive ourselves of sleep.  Sleep deprivation will increase a person’s tendency to take risks which can cloud our judgment and give us the illusion that it is acceptable to take that risk to the next level.  We recognize that it is our obligation to act responsibly when we reach our personal limit but how do we know when we’ve gone too far?

So, we've identified the problem.  How do we combat it?  We'll talk about that next week in part II of Sleep Deprivation and the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.”